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Grace & Codex

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Start Major Threshold at 7 and Severe Threshold at 14.








Spend a Hope to use an experience or help an ally.

















At Level 2, take an additional Experience and increase your Proficiency by +1.

Choose two available options from the list below and mark them.

Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.

Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.

Permanently add one Stress Slot.

Increase two Experiences by +1.

Permanently add one Armor Slot.

Add +1 to your Evasion.

Choose an additional domain card at your level or lower (up to Level 4).

Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.

Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +1.

Then, increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2 and choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.


At Level 5, take an additional Experience and clear all marks on Character Traits. Then increase your Proficiency by +1.

Choose two from the list below or any unmarked from the previous tier and mark them.

Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.

Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.

Permanently add one Stress Slot.

Increase two Experiences by +1.

Choose an additional domain card at your level or lower (up to Level 7).

Permanently add two Armor Slots or add +1 to your Evasion

Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.

Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2.

Take an upgraded subclass card. Then cross out the multiclass option for this tier.

Increase your Proficiency by +1.

Multiclass: Choose an additional class for your character, then cross out an unused "Take an upgraded subclass card" and the other multiclass option on this sheet.

Increase your Damage Thresholds: Major by +1 and Severe by +3. Then choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.


At Level 8, take an additional Experience and clear all marks on Character Traits. Then increase your Proficiency by +1.

Choose two from the list below or any unmarked from the previous tiers and mark them.

Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.

Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.

Permanently add one Stress Slot.

Increase two Experiences by +1.

Choose an additional domain card at your level or lower.

Permanently add two Armor Slots or add +1 to your Evasion.

Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.

Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2.

Take an upgraded subclass card. Then cross out the multiclass option for this tier.

Increase your Proficiency by +1.

Multiclass: Choose an additional class for your character, then cross out an unused "Take an upgraded subclass card" and the other multiclass option on this sheet.

Incrase your Damage Thresholds: Major by +2, and Severe by +4. Then choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.

This section denotes your class. Each class is made up of two domains. You'll choose the majority of your abilities and spells from these domains.
Click the name of the class to open a dropdown of class options (using the meatball menu in the top right corner, you can autofill the character sheet with the recommended values).

This section gives you a place to record your name, pronouns, heritage (the combination of your community and ancestry), and subclass. There is also a space to record your level.
You can choose a mixed ancestry by pressing the 'plus' button to the right of the ancestry dropdown. Similarly, when you level up and can choose a new subclass/multiclass, you can add it by pressing the 'plus' to the right of the previous subclass selection.
(Pressing the 'minus' button will erase the second/third selection for ancestry and subclass).

Evasion represents your ability to not be hit by an attack. The GM will roll against this number when seeing if an adversary hits you. If you do get hit, you'll be able to mark armor slots (the boxes to the right of "armor") to reduce the incoming damage by your armor score (the number in "armor").
Click an armor slot to toggle it on/off, and double click it to enable/disable it.

This area contains your six character traits. These are what you will use as your primary modifiers on action rolls. They have descriptions beneath each to remind you how to use them.
You can click the circle next to the ability name to toggle it on/off (This will be used when leveling up).
If you have a subclass that has a spellcasting trait, the border of that ability will be heavier to denote it.

The two smaller boxes are your damage thresholds. Whenever you take damage, compare it to the numbers here. If the incoming damage is minor, you mark one hit point. If it is major, you mark two hit points.. If you should ever need to mark stress and can't, you mark a hit point.
If you ever mark your last hit point, you must make a death move.
Similarly to the armor slots, hp and stress slots can be toggled on/off with a click, and enabled/disabled with a double-click.

This is where you record your Hope. You may spend Hope to use an Experience (details in next tutorial step), help an ally, or utilize a Hope Feature. When you help an ally, you explain how you're aiding them and roll a d6 advantage die they add to their action roll total. You start with 2 Hope marked.
You also have a unique Hope Feature from your class in this section.
Similarly to armor, hp, and stress slots, hope slots can be toggled on/off with a click and enabled/disabled with a double-click (disabling Hope is equivalent to taking a scar.

Experience represents the particular specializations your character has. These are narrative tags that you create to reflect what your character is skilled in. When they apply to the scene, you can spend Hope before the action roll to add their value as a modifier. You will earn more of these throughout a campaign.
You start the game with two Experiences which each have a +2 modifier.

This is where you keep track of your gold during a campaign. If you should mark your tenth handful, you instead mark a bag and erase all your handfuls. If you should mark your tenth bag, you instead mark a chest and erase your bags. You start with one handful of gold.

This is where the features from your class, subclass, and heritage are shown. Every class starts with a unique Class Feature that sets them apart from other classes. Make sure to read through them before you begin playing.

This is the section for your active weapons. Along with a name, weapons have an associated trait that you will roll when using them for an attack. They also have a range (melee, very close, close, far, or very far). The GM will tell you what range a target is in. Damage dice are what kind of dice you're rolling when you make a successful attack, and the type is either physical or magic. Proficiency tells you how many damage dice you roll. The Feature on a weapon gives you any special ability or requirement it has.
The Proficiency circles can be toggled on/off with a click.
When you begin typing in the "name" section, suggestions will automatically pop up. If you select one of these premade options, the corresponding traits will fill in the rest of the blanks for you.

This is the section for your armor. Along with a name, armor has a base score that will contribute towards your armor score. The Feature on armor gives you any special ability or requirement it has.
The same as above with weapons, when typing in the name of armor, you will be given suggestions. Picking a suggestion will automatically fill in the rest of that armor's traits.

Inventory is where you will store all of your items and consumables.
This is also where you would store any weapon you want to carry, but not have active. While in your inventory, Features from these weapons have no effect.

This is where you can enter your chosen Domain Cards from your subclass. To add a new card, press the "Add New" button. By default, the card will be added to your Vault. If you type the name of the domain card in the first line and press tab or click elsewhere, the description of the domain card will automatically fill in the second section.
To move cards between your Loadout and Vault, press the arrow button to the right of the name. To permancently remove a card, press the "Minus" button to the right of the name.
You can have at most 5 cards in your Loadout. You can swap any number of cards between your Loadout and Vault during a Short or Long Rest.

This is where you make your selections when you Level Up. The boxes can be toggled on/off with a click. At Levels 5-7 and 8-10 you have the option to take un upgraded subclass or multiclass. When you do so, you remove the other option. By double-clicking on one of those paragraphs, you can cross it off.



Clanks are sentient mechanical beings built from a variety of materials including metal and wood.

Purposeful Design: Decide who you were created by and for what purpose. Choose an experience you have that reflects this and increase it by +1.
Efficient: When you take a short rest, you can substitute a long rest move for one of your short rest moves.


Those of ribbet ancestry resemble anthropoorphic frogs with protruding eyes and webbed hands and feet.

Long Tongue: You can use your long tongue to grab onto things Close to you. You can also mark a Stress to unleash it as a Finesse Close weapon that does d12 physical damage using your Proficiency.
Amphibious: You can breathe and move underwater just as easily as on land.


Those of inferis ancestry are humanoids who possess sharp canines, pointed ears, and horns that come in a variety of styles. They are the descendants of demons from the Circles Below.

Fearless: When you roll with Fear, you can mark 2 Stress to make it a roll with Hope instead.
Dread Visage: You have advantage on rolls to intimidate a hostile target.


Dwarves are most easily recognized as short humanoids with square features, dense musculature, and thick hair.

Increased Fortitude: You can spend 2 Hope to halve incoming physical damage.
Thick Skin: When taking minor damage, roll 1d6. On a 5+, you take no damage instead.


Giants are very tall humanoids with long arms, broad stature, and one to three eyes.

Endurance: Gain an additional Hit Point slot at character creation.
Reach: Treat any weapon, feature, ability, or spell that has Melee range as though it has Very Close range instead.


Elves are typically tall humanoids with pointed ears and acutely attuned senses.

Quick Reactions: You can mark a Stress to take advantage on a Reaction Roll.
Celestial Trance: During a rest, you can drop into a trance and make an extra downtime move.


Those of human ancestry are most easily recognized by their dexterous hands, rounded ears, and bodies built for endurance.

High Stamina: Take an additional Stress slot at character creation.
Adaptability: When you fail a roll that utilized one of your Experiences, you can mark a Stress to reroll. You must take the new result.


Orcs are most easily recognized as humanoids with square features and boar-like tusks.

Sturdy: When you have one hit point remaining, your armor score is doubled.
Tusks: After making a successful Melee attack, you can spend Hope to also gore the target with your tusks, adding +1d6 to the damage roll.


Halflings are typically smaller humanoids, with large hairy feet and prominent, rounded ears.

Youthful Spirit: At the beginning of each session, give everyone in your party a Hope.
Little Lucky: When you roll a 1 on your Hope die, you can reroll it, and must take the new result.


Drakona resemble wingless dragons in humanoid form and possess a powerful elemental breath.

Scales: Your natural scales acts as protection, increasing all damage thresholds by +1.
Elemental Breath: Choose an element for your breath (ice, fire, electricity, etc.). You can use this breath against a target or group of targets within Very Close range, treating it as an Instinct weapon that deals d8 magic damage using your Proficiency.


Those of katari ancestry are feline humanoids with soft fur and high, triangular ears.

Feline Instincts: When you make an Agility roll, you can mark a Stress to reroll your Hope Die. You must take the new result.
Retracting Claws: You can make an Agility roll to scratch a target in Melee range. On a success, they become Vulnerable.


Those of faerie ancestry are winged humanoid creatures with insect-like features.

Wings: You can fly. While flying, mark a Stress before an adversary's attack roll to incrase your Evasion by +2 against that attack.
Luckbender: Once per session, after you or an ally in Close range makes an Action Roll, you can spend 3 Hope to reroll the Duality Dice. You must take the new result.


Fauns resemble goats in humanoid form, with curving horns, square pupils, and cloven hooves.

Leap: You can easily leap up to Close range across gaps of chasms without making an Agility roll.
Kick: On a successful melee attack, you can mark a Stress to kick yourself off of the target, adding 2d6 to the damage and pushing either them or yourself out of Melee range.


Those of galapa ancestry resemble anthropomorphic turtles, with a large, domed shell into which their heads and limbs can retract.

Shell of Protection: Your shell provides a natural shield. Add your Proficiency to your armor score.
Slow and Steady: During combat, you can make an attack roll with advantage by placing an additional token on the action tracker.


Those of goblin ancestry are small humanoids typically recognized by their large eyes and massive, membranous ears.

Danger Sense: Once per short rest, mark a Stress to make an adversary reroll an attack against you or an ally within Very Close range of you.
Surefooted: You ignore disadvantage on Agility rolls.


Fungrils resemble a mushroom in humanoid form.

Fungril Network: You can make an Instinct Roll (12) to speak with others of your ancestry across any distance using your mycelial array.
Death Connection: While touching a corpse that died recently, you can mark a Stress to extract one memeory related to a specific emotion or sensation.


Firbolgs resemble cows in humanoid form, typically recognized by their broad nose and long ears.

Natural Calm: Whenever you should mark a Stress, roll a d6. On a 6, don't mark it.
Charge: When you succeed on an Agility roll to move form Far or Very Far range into Melee with one or more targets, mark a Stress to deal 1d12 physical damage to all targets.


Being part of a Highborne community means you were born into a life of elegance, opulance, and presitge within the upper echelons of society.

Privilege: You have advantage on rolls you make to consort with nobles, negotiate prices, or leverage your reputation to get what you want.


Being part of a Ridgeborne community means you've called the rocky peaks and sharp cliffs of the mountainshide home.

Steady: You have advantage on rolls to traverse dangerous cliffs and ledges, navigate harsh environments, and use your survival knowledge. Additionally, gain an Armor Slot at character creation.


Being part of a Seaborne community means you lived on or near a large body of water.

Know The Tide: You can sense the ebb and flow of life. When you roll with Fear, put a token on this card. You can hold a number of tokens up to your level. Before you make an action roll, you can spend one or more of these tokens to add them as +1 modifiers to your roll. At the end of a session, clear all unused tokens.


Being part of an Underborne community means that you're from a subterranean society.

Low Light Living: When you are in an area with low light or heavy shadow, you have advantage on rolls to hide, investigate, or perceive details within that area.


Being part of a Wildborne community means you lived deep within the forest.

Lightfoot: Your movement is naturally silent. You have advantage on rolls to move without being heard.


Being part of a Loreborne community means you are from a society that favors strong academic or political prowess.

Well-Read: You have advantage on any rolls you make that deal with the history, culture, or politics of a prominent person or place.


Being part of an Orderborne community means you are from a collective that focuses on discipline or faith, and you uphold a set of principles that reflect your experience there.

Dedicated: Record three sayings or values your upbringing instilled in you. Once per short rest, when you describe how you're embodying one of these principles through your current action, you may roll with a d20 as your Hope Die instead of a d12.


Being part of a Wanderborne community means that you've lived as a nomad, not having a permanent home but experiencing a wide variety of cultures.

Nomadic Pack: Add a Nomadic Pack to your inventory. Once per session, you can spend a Hope to reach into this pack and pull out a common item that is useful to the situation. Work with the GM to figure out what this item is.


Being part of a Slyborne community means you come from a group that operates outside the law, including all manner of criminals, grifters, and con artists.

Scoundrel: You have advantage on any rolls where you're negotiating with criminals, detecting lies, or finding a safe place to hide.

Those who become bards are truly the most charismatic members of all the realms. Members of this class are masters of captivation and may specialize in any of a variety of performance types, including: singing, playing musical instruments, weaving tales, or telling jokes. Whether performing to an audience or speaking to an individual, bards will excel. There are many schools and guilds where members of this profession come together to bond and train, but there is a fair amount of ego within those of the bardic persuasion. While they may be the most likely to bring people together, a bard of ill temper can just as easily tear a party apart.

Grace & Codex
Evasion 9, Major 6, Severe 12
Suggested Traits:
0 Agility, -1 Strength, + 1 Finesse, 0 Instinct, + 2 Presence, + 1 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Rapier, Small Dagger, Gambeson Armor
Bard's Hope: When you or an ally Close to you makes a Presence roll and either succeeds with Fear or fails, spend three Hope to negate that roll's consequences by intervening.
Rally: Once per session as your part prepares to enter a dangerous or difficult situation, describe how you rally them and give yourself and each of your allies a d6 Rally die. Anyone with a Rally die can spend it to roll it, adding the result to an action roll, reaction roll, or damage roll, or clearing Stress equal to the Rally die result.
At the end of each session, all unspent Rally dice are cleared. The Rally die you distribute increases to 1d8 at level 5.

Becoming a druid is more than an occupation, it’s a calling to those who wish to learn from and protect the magic of the wilderness. Those druids who practice the often quiet work of channeling flora are likely to be underestimated; while those who channel the brutal forces of animals may be a terrifying thing to behold. Druids are known to cultivate their abilities in small groups, often connected by a specific ethos or locale. Through years of study and dedication, druids can learn to transform into beasts and shape the earth and all its organisms

Sage & Arcana
Evasion 8, Major 7, Severe 14
Suggested Traits:
+ 1 Agility, 0 Strength, + 1 Finesse, + 2 Instinct, -1 Presence, 0 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Shortstaff, Round Shield, Leather Armor
Druid's Hope: Spend three Hope while in Beastform to incrase your damage thresholds by +3 until you drop the form.
Wildtouch: You can perform harmless, subtle effects that involve nature at will. (Ex: causing a flower to rapidly grow, summon a slight gust of wind, start a campfire, etc.
Beastform: Mark a Stress to transform into a magical creature of your level or lower from the Beastform list. While transformed, you can’t use your weapons or cast any spells, but you gain the features, attack trait, and evasion bonus of the creature. You can drop out of this form at any time. When in Beastform, your armor becomes part of your body and you mark armor slots as usual; when you drop out of Beastform, those marked armor slots remain marked.
If you mark your last Hit Point or Stress, this form automatically drops.

Guardians represent an array of martial professions, and such a title speaks more to their moral compass and incredible fortitude than the means by which they fight. Those of this class may choose to join groups of militants, for either a country or cause, but guardians are more likely to follow those few they truly care for, majority be damned. Guardians are known for fighting with remarkable ferocity even against overwhelming odds, and are apt to utilize defensive tactics that protect their cohort rather than charge forward with abandon. Woe be unto those who harm the ally of a guardian, as they will not soon forget such a grievance.

Valor & Blade
Evasion 8, Major 8, Severe 16
Suggested Traits:
+ 1 Agility, + 2 Strength, -1 Finesse, 0 Instinct, + 1 Presence, 0 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Battleaxe, Chainmail Armor
Guardian's Hope: Spend three Hope to clear up to three armor slots.
Unstoppable: Once per Long Rest, you can choose to become Unstoppable. You gain an Unstoppable die, which begins as a d4. Place it on the spot to the right, starting with the “1” value facing up. Whenever you deal one or more hit points to an adversary, increase the Unstoppable die value by one. When you increase the value above the die’s highest number or when the scene ends, remove the die and drop out of Unstoppable. At Level 3, upgrade your Unstoppable die to a d6. At Level 7, upgrade it to a d8.
While Unstoppable, you:
  • Gain resistance to physical damage.
  • Increase your current Armor Score by your Proficiency.
  • Add the current value of your Unstoppable die to your damage dice total.
  • Cannot be Restrained or Vulnerable.

Rangers are highly skilled hunters who, despite their martial abilities, will rarely lend their skills to an army. Through mastery of the body and a deep understanding of the wilderness, rangers transform themselves into sly tacticians, accustomed to fighting without the aid of an organized military force. Many rangers do, however, fight alongside an animal companion with whom they’ve forged a powerful, spiritual bond. By honing their skills in the wild, rangers become expert hunters and trackers, and are as likely to catch their foes in a trap as assail them head-on.

Bone & Sage
Evasion 10, Major 7, Severe 14
Suggested Traits:
+ 2 Agility, 0 Strength, + 1 Finesse, + 1 Instinct, -1 Presence, 0 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Shortbow, Leather Armor
Ranger's Hope: Spend three Hope and increase your Evasion by +1 until your next short rest.
Ranger's Focus: Spend Hope and make an attack with your weapon. On a success, you temporarily make that target your Ranger’s Focus, along with doing damage from the attack. Until your Ranger’s Focus ends or you make a different creature your Ranger’s Focus, you gain these benefits:
  • You know precisely what direction they are in.
  • All damage rolls you make against them also deal a Stress.
  • When you miss them with an attack, you can end Ranger’s Focus to reroll your Duality dice and take the new result.

Rogues are scoundrels, often in both attitude and practice. Broadly known as liars and thieves, the best among this class move through the world entirely unknown. Utilizing their sharp wit and blade, rogues may trick their foes through social manipulation as easily as breaking locks or climbing through windows. Members of this class are masters of magical craft, adding an array of deadly tools to their arsenal. Rogues frequently establish guilds to meet future accomplices, hire out jobs, and hone heavily- guarded skills, proving that the phrase “there’s no honor among thieves” is just another lie added to their arsenal.

Midnight & Grace
Evasion 11, Major 6, Severe 12
Suggested Traits:
+ 1 Agility, -1 Strength, + 2 Finesse, 0 Instinct, + 1 Presence, 0 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Dagger, Small Dagger, Gambeson Armor
Rogue's Hope: Spend three Hope to increase your Sneak Attack damage. Until your next short rest, you add 3d6 instead of 1d6 to each Sneak Attack damage roll.
Hide: When you move into a location where no enemies can see you, you can use an action to become Hidden (any rolls against you have disadvantage). As a Rogue, when you are Hidden, targets also can't see you, even if they move into line of sight. You are no longer Hidden after you move or attack.
Sneak Attack: Whenever you make an attack while you are Hidden or while an ally is in Melee with your target, add a d6 to your damage roll. When you use Sneak Attack, you can also spend any number of Hope before the attack roll, then if the attack is successful, also add a number of d6 equal to the Hope spent.

Divine fighters and healers appointed by their god, seraphs are imbued with sacred purpose. A wide array of deities exist within the realms, and thus there are numerous different types of seraph. The ethos of each member of this class traditionally aligns with the domain of their god including such missions as: defending the weak, enacting vengeance, protecting a land or artifact, and upholding a faith. Some seraph ally themselves with an army or locale, much to the satisfaction of their rulers, but some of these crusaders fight in opposition to the follies of the Mortal Realm. It is better to be an ally to a seraph, as they are terrifying foes to those who defy their purpose.

Splendor & Valor
Evasion 7, Major 8, Severe 16
Suggested Traits:
0 Agility, + 2 Strength, 0 Finesse, + 1 Instinct, + 1 Presence, -1 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Hallowed Axe, Round Shield, Chainmail Armor
Seraph's Hope: Spend three Hope and either reroll a Prayer Die or refresh one of your used Prayer Dice.
Prayer Dice: At the beginning of each session, roll a number of d4 dice equal to your Spellcast trait and store them to the right. You can spend one or more of these dice at any time to aid yourself or an ally within Far range. You can use the spent die’s value to reduce any incoming damage or add to any roll result after the roll. Additionally, you can instead exchange the value for that many Hope you can give to any other PC in range. Clear these dice at the end of each session.

Not all innate magic users choose to hone their craft, but those who do can become powerful sorcerers. The gifts of these wielders is passed down through families, though not all families are aware of, much less choose to practice, their unique skills. A sorcerer’s abilities can range from the elemental, to the illusionary, and beyond, and many members of this class will band together into collectives based on their talents. The act of becoming a formidable sorcerer is not the practice of acquiring power, but learning to control and hone the power one already possesses. The magic within a misguided or uneducated sorcerer is a dangerous force indeed.

Arcana & Midnight
Evasion 9, Major 6, Severe 12
Suggested Traits:
0 Agility, -1 Strength, + 1 Finesse, + 2 Instinct, + 1 Presence, 0 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Dualstaff, Gambeson Armor
Sorcerer's Hope: Spend three Hope after a Spellcast Roll to double the result of your Hope roll.
Arcane Sense: You can sense the presence of magical people and objects when you're close to them.
Minor Illusion: Make a Spellcast Roll (10). On a success, you create a minor visual illusion no larger than yourself within close range. This illusion is convincing to anyone in Far range or futher.
Channel Raw Power: Once per long rest, you can place a Domain card from your Loadout into your Vault and choose to either:
  • Gain Hope equal to the level or the card.
  • Enhance a damage-dealing spell by dealing extra damage equal to twice the level of the card.
During your next short rest, you can return this card to your hand without paying its recall cost.

Becoming a warrior requires years, often a lifetime, of training and dedication to the mastery of violence and weapons. While many who seek to fight only hone their strength, warriors understand the importance of an agile body and mind, making them some of the most sought after fighters across the realms. Many warriors will find employment within an army, band of mercenaries, or even within a royal guard, but their potential is wasted in any position where they cannot continue to hone and expand their skills. Warriors are known to have a favored weapon, and to come between one of this class and their blade would be a grievous mistake

Blade & Bone
Evasion 10, Major 7, Severe 14
Suggested Traits:
+ 2 Agility, + 1 Strength, 0 Finesse, + 1 Instinct, -1 Presence, 0 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Longsword, Chainmail Armor
Warrior's Hope: Spend three Hope to reroll any number of your damage dice on an attack.
Battle Strategist: After a successful attack roll, you can describe how you outmaneuver your target, then mark a Stress to deal them a Stress.
Attack of Opportunity: If an adversary attempts to leave your Melee range, make an Agility reaction roll against their difficult. Choose one effect on a successful roll, or two on a critical success:
  • Keep them from moving.
  • Deal your primary weapon damage.
  • Move with them.

Combat Training: Ignore burden when equipping weapons. Whenever you deal physical damage, add your level to its value.

Those who acquire their magical power through years of study are known as wizards. Whether through an institution or individual study, wizards use a variety of tools—including books, scrolls, or ancient tablets—to hone their craft. Often, wizards will dedicate their life to the mastery of a particular school of magic, while others will attempt to learn from a wide variety of disciplines. Many wizards go on to become wise and powerful figures in their communities, advising rulers, providing medicines and healing, and even leading war councils. While all members of this class work toward the common goal of collecting magical knowledge, it is very often that wizards have the most conflict within their own ranks; as the acquisition, keeping, and sharing of powerful secrets is a topic of intense debate that has resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths.

Codex & Splendor
Evasion 10, Major 5, Severe 10
Suggested Traits:
-1 Agility, 0 Strength, 0 Finesse, + 1 Instinct, + 1 Presence, + 2 Knowledge
Suggested Weapons and Armor:
Greatstaff, Leather Armor
Wizard's Hope: Spend three Hope instead of marking your last Hit Point.
Prestidigitation: You can perform harmless, subtle magical effects at will. For example, you might change an object's color, create a smell, light a candle, cause a tiny object to float, illuminate a room, or repair a small object.
Strange Patterns: Choose a number between 1 and 12. Whenever you roll that number on a Duality die, gain a Hope or clear a Stress. You can change this number when you finish a long rest.



Spellcast: PRESENCE

Heart of a Poet: When speaking to a person you're trying to impress, persuade, or offtend, you can spend Hope and add 1d4 to the action roll against them.
Rousing Speech: Once per long rest, you can use an action to give a heartfelt, inspiring speech. All allies that can hear you clear two Stress.


You know your moving words can boost the morale of the group. Once per session, when you use your skills as a linguist to encourage or exhort an ally, you can do one of the following:
  • Allow them to find a mundane object or tool they need.
  • Help an Ally without spending Hope.
  • Give them an additional Downtime move during their next rest.


The Rally die you distrubute increases to a d10.
In addition, whenever you Help an Ally, if you narrate the moment as if you were writing the tale of their heroism in a memoir, your advantage die to help them is a d10.



Spellcast: Presence

When you take this Foundation, describe what instrument you are practiced in. You can use an action to perform each song once per long rest:
  • When you play a relaxing song, you and any Close allies heal 1 Hit Point.
  • When you play an epic song, make a Close target temporarily Vulnerable.
  • When you play a heartbreaking song, you and any Close allies take a Hope.


Your rallying songs also help steel the courage of those who listen. Anybody who receives a Rally die from you via your Rally ability can alos choose to either gain a Hope or clear a Stress.


Your craft rivals the greats, your skill and creativity unbounded. You may perform each of your Foundation songs an additional time per long rest.

Warden of the Elements


Spellcast: Instinct

Elemental Incarnation: Mark a Stress to embody an elemental spirit from the list below. The embodiment lasts until you take Severe damage or until your next short rest. This feature can overlap with Beastform.
  • Fire: When an enemy in melee range deals damage to you, they take 1d10 magic damage.
  • Earth: You gain +1 to your Armor Score.
  • Water: When you deal damage to an enemy in Melee range, all other enemies within Very Close range mark a Stress.
  • Air: You can hover, gaining advantage on Agility rolls.

Warden of the Elements

Once per short rest, while in Elemental Incarnation, you can assume an elemental aura matching your embodied element. The aura's effect apply within your Close Range, following you until Elemental Incarnation ends.
  • Fire: Whenever an enemy marks at least 1 Hit Point, they also mark a Stress.
  • Earth: Your allies gain +1 to their Armor Score.
  • Water: After an enemy deals damage to you, you can mark a Stress to move them anywhere within Very Close range.
  • Air: When you or an ally take damage from an attack beyond Melee range, reduce it by 1d8.

Warden of the Elements

While in your Elemental Incarnation, you further embody the spirit and gain the following benefit for that element:
  • Fire: Your Proficiency increases by +1 for attacks and spells that deal damage.
  • Earth: When you mark an Armor Slot, roll 1d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, clear an Armor Slot.
  • Water: When you are hit by an attack, you can mark a Stress to make the attacker Vulnerable.
  • Air: You gain +1 Evasion and can fly.

Warden of Renewal


Spellcast: Instinct

Clarity of Nature: Once per long rest, you may create a space of natural serenity around you. After spending a few minutes resting within the space, you can clear Stress equal to your Instinct trait, distributed as you choose between you and your allies.
Regeneration: Use an action and spend 3 Hope to clear 1d4 Hit Points on a creature you are touching.

Warden of Renewal

You can now use Regeneration on a creature within Very Close range, instead of touch.
Warden's Protection: Once per long rest, you can use an action to magically repair armor outside of downtime. When you do, you or one ally in your Close Range can clear a number of Armor Slots equal to your Instinct.

Warden of Renewal

Your animal transformation embodies a healing guardian spirit. While you are in Beastform, when an ally within Close Range marks 2 or more Hit Points, you can mark a Stress to reduce the amount of Hit Points they mark by 1.


When you take this foundation, increase all of your Damage Thresholds by +1.
When you take physical damage, always reduce it by your armor score before applying it to your thresholds. You may still spend armor slots to reduce it further.


When you take this specialization, raise all of your Damage Thresholds by +2.
When a Very Close ally takes damage, you can mark an Armor Slot to reduce the damage by your Armor Score.


When you take this mastery, raise all of your Damage Thresholds by +3.
When an ally within Close range has 2 Hit Points or fewer and should take damage, you can immediately mark a Stress to sprint to their side and take the damage instead.


When you take this Foundation, gain an additional armor slot immediately.
When you are hit by an enemy in melee range, immedeiately roll a number of d6 equal to the amount of hit points you marked. For each result of 5+, deal a hit point back to the enemy.


When an enemy damages an ally within your Melee range, the next successful attack you make against that enemy has +1 Proficiency.


Spend 2 Hope to prioritize an enemy until your next rest. When you make an Attack Roll against your prioritized enemy, you can switch the values on your Hope and Fear dice. You may only prioritize one enemy at a time.



Spellcast: Agility

Apex Predator: Mark a Stress to increase your Proficiency by +1 on a damage roll. Additionally, whenever you deal Severe damage to an enemy, they alos mark a Stress.
Path Forward: When you're headed for a place you've previously visited, or you carry an object with you that has been there before, you can identify the shortest, most direct path to your destination.


When you're attacked by your Focus, your Evasion against the attack increases by +2.


Before you make an Attack Roll against your Focus, you can spend a Hope. If that roll succeeds, you remove one Fear from the GM's Fear pool.



Spellcast: Agility

You have an animal companion of your choice (at GM's discretion). They always stay next to you unless you tell them otherwise.
Take the Ranger Companion sheet. Whenever you level up your character, also choose a level up option for your companion from this sheet.


When you take this Specialization, gain an additional level up option for your companion immediately.
When an enemy attack syou while they're in your companion's Melee range, you gain +2 Evasion against the attack.


When you take this Specialization, gain 2 level up options for your companion immediately.
Once per long rest, if the damage from an attack would mark your companion's or your last Hit Point, and you are within each other's Close range, the other rushes to their side and takes that damage instead.



Spellcast: Finesse

When you arrive in a prominent town or environment, you know somebody that calls this place home. Give them a name, note how you think they could be useful, and choose one from the list below:
  • They owe me a favor, but they will be hard to find.
  • They're going to ask for something in exchange.
  • They're always in a great deal of trouble.
  • We used to be together. It's a long story.
  • We didn't part on great terms.


Once per session, you can briefly call forth a shady contact. Immediately choose one of the benefits below and describe what brought them here to help you in this moment:
  • They provide 1 handful of gold, a unique tool, or a mundane object that the situation requires.
  • The next time you make an Action Roll,, their help lets you increse either your Hope or Fear die result by 3.
  • The next time you deal damage, they snipe from the shadows, adding 2d8 to your damage roll.


You can now use your Specialization Feature three times per session. You can also choose from the following options when you use it:
  • When you makr at least 1 Hit Point, the contact rushes out to shield you, reducing the Hit Points marked by 1.
  • When you make a Presence Roll in conversation, they back you up. Your Hope die becomes a d20 for the roll.



Spellcast: Finesse

Shadow Stepper: You can move from shadow to shadow. When you step into the shadow cast by another creature or object, or into an area of darkness, mark a Stress to disappear from where you are and reappear inside of any other shadow within Far range. When you do, you are Hidden.


Dark Cloud: Make a Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, create a temporary dark cloud that covers any area within Close range. Anyone in this cloud can't see outside of it, and anyone outside of it can't see in. You are considered Hidden from any enemy it blocks line of sight from.
Adrenaline: When you are Vulnerable, you always add your Level to your damage roll total.


Your Evasion permanently increases by +1, and you can now use Shadow Stepper to move within Very Far range.
Cloaked: At any time, you can mark a Stress to cloak yourself. While cloaked, you gain the benefits of the Hidden condition and automatically lose the Restrained condition if you have it. You stop being cloaked when you roll with Fear or start a short rest.

Winged Sentinel


Spellcast: Strength

You can fly. While flying, you may:
  • Spend a Hope to pick up and carry another willing creature that is approximately your size or smaller.
  • Mark a Stress to deal 1d8 additional damage on a successful attack.

Winged Sentinel

Your supernatural viage strikes awe and fear. While in flight, you have advantage on Presence Rolls, and if that roll is a success with Hope, you can remove a Fear from the GM's Fear Pool instead of gaining Hope.

Winged Sentinel

When you take this mastery, increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +4.
While in flight, your Winged Sentinel Foundation feature deals an extra 1d12 damage instead of 1d8.

Divine Wielder


Spellcast: Strength

Spirit Weapon: When you have a Melee weapon equipped, it can fly from your hand to strike an enemy in Close range and return to you. You can mark a Stress to target an additional target in range with the same Attack Roll.
Sparing Touch: Once per long rest, use an action and touch a creature to clear 2 Hit Points or 2 Stress from them.

Divine Wielder

Devout: When you roll your prayer dice, you may roll an additional die and drop the lowest option. Additionally, your Sparing Touch feature can now be used one additional time per long rest.

Divine Wielder

When you roll damage for your Spirit Weapon, if any of your damage dice values match, you can roll an additional damage die for each match. These additional damage dice can't be used to match and add more dice. For example, if you roll three 5s, add two damage dice to your roll.

Primal Origin


Spellcast: Instinct

Your primal origin allows you to modify the essence of magic itself. After you cast a spell or use a weapon that deals magic damage, you may mark a Stress to do any of the following:
  • Extend its reach by one range.
  • Add +2 to the action roll result.
  • Reroll any number of Damage Dice.
  • Hit an additional target within range.

Primal Origin

You can enhance the magical practices of others with your essence. When you Help an Ally on a Spellcast Roll, the advantage die your roll is a d8 instead of a d6. After you help them make their Spellcast Roll, once per long rest, you can swap the values of their Duality dice.

Primal Origin

You can gather magical energy to enhance your capability. You become charged after taking magic damage or when you spend 2 Hope to become charged. When you successfully cast a spell while charged, you can spend your charge to temporarily increase either that spell's Damage Proficiency by +1 or its Reaction Roll Difficult by +3.
You stop being charged when you finish a long rest.

Elemental Origin


Spellcast: Instinct

Your elemental origin lets you manipulate and shape a certain kind of element.
Choose one:


You can channel this element into unique, harmless effects. Additionally, you can spend a Hope and describe how your control over this element helps an action roll you're about the make, then add either +2 to the roll or +3 to the damage.

Elemental Origin

You can call forth your chosen element to protect you from harm. When an attack roll against you succeeds, you can spend a Stress and describe how you channel your element to defend you, then add 1d6 to your Evasion against the attack. If the new Evasion is high enough to avoid the attack, it does.

Elemental Origin

Once per long rest, you can transform into an elemental form of your chosen element. When you do, describe your transformation and choose two of the following benefits to gain until your next short rest:
  • +4 to your Severe Threshold.
  • +1 to a Character Trait of your choice
  • +1 Proficiency
  • +2 to your Armor Score
  • +2 Evasion

Call of the Slayer

On a roll with Hope, you can place a d6 on this card instead of taking a Hope. These are knwon as your Slayer dice. You can store a number of Slayer dice equal to your Proficiency. When you make an attack roll or damage roll, you can spend any number of these Slayer dice, rolling them and adding their value to your total. At the end of a session, clear any remaining Slayer dice on this card and gain that many Hope.

Call of the Slayer

You can wield multiple weapons with dangerous ease. When you make a successful Attack Roll, you can spend a Hope to add one damage die from your secondary weapon to the damage.
In addition, once per long rest, when you roll your Slayer dice, you can reroll any 1s once, taking the new result.

Call of the Slayer

Martial Preparation: You've become an inspirational warrior to all who travel with you. You gain access to the Martial Preparation downtime move. To use this during a rest, describe how you instruct and train with your party, then give yourself and each ally a Slayer die, which is a d6. Allies can spend your Slayer die to enhance their own weapon Attack or Damage rolls.

Call of the Brave

When you fail a roll with Fear, you gain a Hope.
Once per long rest, before you attempt something incredibly dangerous or face off against a foe who clearly outmatches you, describe what ritual you perform or preparation you make, then clear 2 Stress and gain 2 Hope.

Call of the Brave

You are vigilant in the face of mounting danger.
While you have no more than 2 Hit Point slots unmarked, your Hope die becomes a d20.

Call of the Brave

Your unbending courage is a rallying point for your allies. You can initiate a Tag Team Roll one extra time per session. Additionally, when an ally initiates a Tag Team Roll with you, they only need to spend 2 Hope to do so.

School of Knowledge


Spellcast: Knowledge

You've gained priceless knowledge through great study. You have advantage on all Knowledge Rolls to recall information. If this roll is about the magical nature of a creature or enchantment, gain a Hope even on a roll with Fear.
Adept: You can mark a Stress instead of spending a Hope to use an Experience on a roll. If you do, double the Experience modifier for that roll.

School of Knowledge

When you take this Specialization, you may change an existing Experience you have, then add +1 to one of your Experiences.
Once per short rest, when recalling a Domain card in your vault, you can reduce its Recall Cost by 1.

School of Knowledge

When you take this Mastery, choose two Experiences and add +1 to each of them.
Whenever you wish to use an Experience, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, you can do so without spending a Hope.

School of War


Spellcast: Knowledge

You've focused your studies on shaping magic in dangerous and powerful ways. Gain an extra armor slot.
When you succeed on an Attack Roll with Fear, you deal an extra 1d10 magic damage.

School of War

You can concentrate to maintain a protective barrier of magic. While you have at least 2 Hope, you can add your proficiency to your Evasion.
Additionally, the extra magic damage from your School of War Foundation feature increases to 2d10.

School of War

When you succeed on an attack roll with Hope, you can choose to make it with Fear instead.
The extra magic damage from your School of War Foundation feature increases to 3d10.
1 🗲

Unleash Chaos

At the beginning of a session, place a number of tokens equal to your Spellcast Trait on this card.
You can make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range and spend any number of tokens to channel raw energy from within yourself and unleash against them. On a success, roll a number of d10 equal to the tokens you spent, and do that much magic damage to the target. Mark a Stress to replenish this card with tokens, up to your Spellcast Trait. Clear all tokens at the end of the session.
0 🗲

Rune Ward

You have a deeply personal trinket that can be infused with protective magic and held as a ward by you or an ally. Describe what it is and why it's important to you. When the holder of the ward takes damage, they can spend a Hope to reduce it by 1d8.
If the ward die rolls an 8, its power will temporarily end after it reduces damage this turn. It can be recharged for free on your next rest.
1 🗲

Wall Walk

Spend a Hope to allow a creature you can touch to climb on walls and ceilings as easily as walking on the ground below. This lasts until the end of the scene or when you cast it on another creature.
1 🗲

Not Good Enough

When you roll your damage dice, you may reroll any 1s or 2s. If you do, you must take the new result, even on a 1 or 2.
1 🗲


When you take damage from a creature in melee range, you may mark a Stress to immediately deal weapon damage to the creature at half Proficiency (rounded up).
0 🗲


Make an Attack Roll against a target using a weapon with melee or very close range. On a success, you may spend a Hope to use that roll against every other enemy in that weapon's range. Any additional enemies you succeed against with this ability take half damage (rounded up).
0 🗲

Deft Maneuvers

You can mark a Stress to move anywhere within far range without making an Agility Roll to get there.
1 🗲


While this card is in your loadout, add half of your Agility score to your Evasion (rounded up).
1 🗲

I See it Coming

When you are targeted by an attack coming from beyond melee range, mark a Stress to roll a d4 and increase your Evasion against this attack by its value.
2 🗲

Book of Illiat

Slumber: Make a Spellcast Roll against a very close target. On a success, they fall into a deep sleep until they take damage or the GM spends a Fear to awaken them.
Arcane Barrage: Once per short rest, use an action to spend any number of Hope and shoot magical projectiles that automatically strike an enemy within close range. Roll a d6 equal to the Hope you spent, and deal that much direct magic damage.
Telepathy: You may open a line of mental communication with one target you can see. This connection lasts until you use this spell to connect with another creature.
2 🗲

Book of Tyfar

Wild Flame: Make a Spellcast Roll against up to three enemies in melee range of you. A flame erupts from your hand, dealing 2d6 magic damage and a Stress to any you succeed against.
Magic Hand: You can reach out with a magical hand the same size and strength as your own to anywhere within far range of you.
Mysterious Mist: Use an action to spend a Hope and cast a temporary, thick fog that encircles a stationary area up to a very close range your current location. Everyone within is Hidden to anybody outside the fog.
2 🗲

Book of Ava

Power Push: Make a Spellcast Roll against a target in melee range. On a success, they are blasted back to far range and take d10+2 magic damage using your proficiency.
Tava's Armor: Use an action to spend a Hope that gives a target you can touch +1d6 to their Armor score the next time they mark an Armor Slot. You can't stack Tava's Armor on one creature.
Ice Spikes: Make a Spellcast Roll to summon large ice spikes within very far range. if you use them as a weapon, on a success, deal d6 physical damage using your proficiency.
0 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll against a close target.
On a success, you can temporarily keep their attention on you, narrowing their field of view and drowning out any sound but your voice. Once per short rest, you may also mark a Stress on a success to deal a Stress to the target.
1 🗲

Inspirational Words

You can imbue your speech with enhancing power. At the beginning of a session, place a number of tokens on this card equal to your Presence score. When you recite your words, spend a token and choose an option from the list below to grant to the ally you are speaking to. If the action tracker is active, place that token on it. At the end of a session, clear all tokens.
  • Clear a Stress
  • Heal a Hit Point.
  • Gain a Hope.
0 🗲

Deft Deceiver

Spend a Hope to take advantage on a roll you make to deceive or trick someone into believing a lie you tell them.
0 🗲

Uncanny Disguise

When you have a few minutes to prepare, you can mark a Stress to don the facade of any humanoid you can picture clearly in your mind. While disguised, all Presence rolls to avoid scrutiny have advantage.
Place a number of tokens on this card equal to your Spellcast Trait. When you take an action while disguised, spend one. After the action that spends the last token resolves, the disguise drops.
1 🗲

Rain of Blades

Spend a Hope to conjure throwing blades that strike any enemies very close to you. Make a Spellcast Roll and all targets that you succeed against take d8+2 magic damage using your proficiency.
If any targets you hit are currently Vulnerable, they take an additional 1d8 magic damage.
0 🗲

Pick and Pull

You have advantage on any attempt to pick a nonmagical lock, disarm a trap, or steal an item from a target (either through stealth or by force).
1 🗲

Vicious Entangle

Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, roots and vines reach out from the ground and temporarily Restrain them, dealing 1d8+1 physical damage.
On a success, you may also spend a Hope to temporarily Restrain any enemies very close to your target as well.
0 🗲

Gifted Tracker

Make a Spellcast Roll to track or ask the GM on question you'd be able to learn about a specific creature or group of creatures based on signs of their passage. If you spend a Hope when you do, take advantage on the roll.
If you encounter any creatures you've tracked, your Evasion against them is +1.
0 🗲

Nature's Tongue

You can speak the language of the hidden, natural world. When you want to speak to the plants and animals around you, make an Instinct Roll (12). On a success, they'll give you the information they know. With Fear, their knowledge might be limited or come at a cost.
In addition, whenever you make a Spellcast Roll while within a natural environment, you may spend a Hope before the roll to add +1 to the result.
1 🗲

Bolt Beacon

Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, spend a Hope to send a bolt of shimmering light towards them. Treat it like a ranged weapon, dealing d8+2 magic damage using your proficiency and making the glow brightly. They become temporarily Vulnerable.
1 🗲

Mending Touch

You lay your hands upon a creature and channel healing magic to help close their wounds. When you can take a few minutes to focus on the person you're helping, spend 2 Hope and heal a Hit Point or a Stress.
Once per long rest, when you spend this healing time learning something new about them or revealing something about yourself, the 2 Hope you spend heals 2 Hit Points or 2 Stress instead.
1 🗲


Once per short rest, after an ally attempts an Action Roll, but before the consequences take place, you may offer assistance or words of support. When you do, they may reroll their dice. They must accept the result of this new roll.
0 🗲

Forceful Push

Make an attack with your primary weapon in melee range. On a success, you deal damage, push the target out of melee range and may spend a Hope to also make them temporarily Vulnerable.
On a success with Hope, add an additional 1d6 to your damage dice on this attack.
1 🗲

I Am Your Shield

When an ally very close to you is going to take damage, you may mark a Stress to stand in its way and take the damage instead. Reduce the damage by a value equal to your Strength Trait. You may also reduce the damage by spending armor slots.
0 🗲

Bare Bones

While this card is in your loadout, if you choose not to equip armor, you have an Armor Score equal to 4 + your Level.
1 🗲

Cinder Grasp

Make a Spellcast Roll against a target in melee range. On a success, the target instantly bursts into flames, dealing 1d20+3 magic damage and temporarily catching them on fire.
Any time a creature tries to act while on fire, it must take an additional 2d6 magic damage if it is still on fire at the end of its action.
0 🗲

Floating Eye

You can spend a Hope to create a single, small floating orb that you can control anywhere within very far range from you. While controlling it, you can choose to see through its vision as though it's your own. If the orb takes damage or moves out of range, the spell will immediately end.
1 🗲


You may always mark a Stress to take advantage on an Attack Roll against a target.
1 🗲

A Soldier's Bond

Once per long rest, if you compliment someone or ask them about something they are good at, you may both take 3 Hope.
1 🗲

Stretegic Approach

After a long rest, place a number of tokens equal to your Knowledge Trait on this card, with a minimum of 1. When you move into melee range of an enemy and make an Attack Roll against them, you may spend one token to choose an option below.
  • Make the attack at advantage.
  • Clear a stress on an ally in melee with the adversary.
  • Add 1d8 to your damage.
When you take a long rest, clear all unused tokens.
2 🗲


When you cause an enemy to mark any Hit Points, spend 2 Hope to temporarily increase your Evasion by the number of Hit Points you dealt. This bonus lasts until after the next attack that targets you.
2 🗲

Book of Vagras

Runic Lock: You can infuse a rune upon an object you are touching that can close (a lock, chest, box, bag, etc). It will lock the object from being opened by anyone besides those you choose. The spell can be broken by somebody with magic and an hour of time to study it.
Arcane Door: When you have no enemies in melee range, make a Spellcast Roll (13). On a success, spend a Hope to disappear from where you are and reappear somewhere within far range you can see.
Reveal: Make a Spellcast Roll. If there is anything hidden within close range the roll would succeed against, it is no longer hidden.
2 🗲

Book of Sitil

Adjust Appearance: You can magically shift your appearance and clothing to avoid recognition.
Parallels: Spend a Hope to cast this spell on yourself or one ally close to you. The next time that creature makes an attack, they can split the damage between any targets in range that the attack roll succeeds against.
Illusion: Make a Spellcast Roll (14). On a success, create a temporary visual illusion no larger than you within close range that will last for as long as you look at it. It holds up to scrutiny until an observer is within melee range.
1 🗲

Tell No Lies

Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within very close range. On a success, they can't lie to you while they remain within close range, but they are not compelled to speak. If you ask them a question and they refuse to answer, they mark a Stress and the spell ends.
2 🗲


When you taunt or provoke a target within far range, make a Presence Roll against them. On a success, roll a number of d4s equal to your proficiency. Take the highest value from those d4s and deal that much Stress to the target.
0 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll against all enemies within Very Close range. All it succeeds against have their shadows temporarily pinned where they are, making them Restrained.
1 🗲

Midnight Spirit

Spend a Hope to summon a humanoid-sized spirit that can move or carry things you can see until your next short rest.
You may also send it to make an attack on an enemy. When you do, make a Spellcast Roll against a target within very far range of you. On a success, roll an amount of d6 equal to your Spellcast Trait and deal that much magic damage to the target. The spirit then dissipates.
You can only have one spirit at a time.
1 🗲

Natural Familiar

Spend a Hope to summon a small nature spirit or forest critter to your side until your next short rest, you use this spell again, or until it is the target of an attack. If you spend an additional Hope, they can be a familiar that flies. You can communicate with it, you may make a Spellcast Roll to command it to perform simple tasks, and you can mark a Stress to see through its eyes.
While this creature is summoned, when you deal damage to an enemy the familiar is in melee range with, you deal an additional 1d6 physical damage.
1 🗲

Conjure Swarm

Tekaira Armored Beetles: Mark a Stress to conjure armored beetles to encircle you. You have resistance against the next damage you take. You can mark a Hope to keep the beetles conjured after taking damage.
Fire Flies: Make a Spellcast Roll against any close enemies. On a success, spend a Hope to have the fire flies swarm them, doing 2d8+3 magic damage to all targets you succeeded against.
1 🗲

Healing Hands

Make a Spellcast Roll (13) and target a creature other than yourself in melee. On a success, mark a Stress to heal the target 2 Hit Points or 2 Stress. On a failure, mark a Stress to heal the target 1 Hit Point or 1 Stress. You can't heal the same target again until after your next long rest.
1 🗲

Final Words

Make a Spellcast Roll (13). On a success, you can infuse a moment of life into a corpse in order to speak with it. If the result is with Hope, it will answer up to three questions. If the result is with Fear, only one. Once the spell ends or on a failure, the body will turn to dust.
1 🗲

Body Basher

You use the full force of your body in the fight. On a successful attack with a melee weapon, always add your Strength Trait to your damage total.
0 🗲

Bold Presence

Whenever you make a Presence roll against a hostile target, you can spend a Hope to also add your Strength trait to the roll.
2 🗲


You can interrupt a spell or magical effect that is taking place to make a Reaction Roll using your Spellcast trait. On a success, the spell or effect is immediately stopped and any consequences are avoided, and this card is placed into your Vault.
1 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, put a number of tokens on this card equal to your Agility, at a minimum of 1. When you take an action while flying, remove a token from this card. After you remove the last token and complete your action, you descend to the ground directly below you.
1 🗲

Versatile Fighter

You can choose to use the Character Trait of your choice on an equipped weapon, rather than the trait the weapon calls for.
When dealing damage, you may mark a Stress to take the maximum value of one of your Damage Die instead of rolling it.
1 🗲


Once per short rest, when an enemy in melee range would deal damage to you, you can avoid the damage entirely and safely move out of melee range of the enemy.
1 🗲


When you use an Armor Slot to reduce incoming damage, you may also spend any number of Hope. For every Hope you spend, reduce the incoming damage by the value of your Proficiency.
1 🗲


When you Help an Ally, they can add one of your Experience to their roll as well. When making a Tag Team roll, you can roll a d20 for your Hope die instead of a d12.
2 🗲

Book of Norai

Mystic Tether: Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, they are temporarily restrained and mark a Stress. If you target a flying creature, this brings them to the ground before restraining them.
Fireball: Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within very far range. On a success, you throw a sphere of fire towards them that explodes upon impact. The target and all creatures very close to them must make a Reaction Roll (12). On a failure, they take d8+5 magic damage using your proficiency. On a success, they take half damage (rounded up).
2 🗲

Book of Korvax

Levitation: Make a Spellcast Roll to temporarily lift and move a target you can see up into the air within close range of where it currently is.
Recant: Spend a Hope and have a target make a Reaction Roll (15). On a failure, they forget the last minute of your conversation.
Rune Circle: Use an action to mark a Stress and create a temporary magical circle on the ground around you. Any creatures in melee range of this circle, or who enter melee range of this circle, take 2d12+4 magic damage and are pushed out at the end of their action.
1 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll (10) while touching a creature. On a success, mark a Stress and the target becomes Hidden until this spell ends.
Then place a number of tokens on this card equal to your Spellcast Trait. Every time the Hidden creature takes an action, remove one token from this card. After resolving the action that causes the last token to be remove, the spell ends.
You may only cast invisibility on one creature at a time.
1 🗲

Hypnotic Shimmer

Make a Spellcast Roll against any enemies in front of you within close range. On a success, once per short rest, you crate an illusion of flashing colors and lights that can temporarily Stun any enemies you succeed against, dealing them a Stress. While they are Stunned, they can't move or act until the condition is cleared.
1 🗲


While Hidden, when you successfully position yourself behind a creature that's about your size, you can use an action to mark a Stress and pull them into a chokehold or equally compromising position, making them temporarily Vulnerable.
Every Attack Roll against them while they are Vulnerable from your chokehold adds 2d6 to the damage roll.
1 🗲

Veil of Shadows

Make a Spellcast Roll (13). On a success, you can create a temporary curtain of darkness from one point up to far range from you to another. Only you can see through this darkness. Gain advantage on any attacks you make through the wall and you are considered Hidden to any enemies on the other side. It will hold until you cast another spell.
1 🗲

Towering Stalk

You can conjure a thick, twisting stalk within close range that can be easily climbed. Its height can grow up to far range.
When you conjure it, you may also mark a Stress to use it as an attack. If you do, make a Spellcast Roll against any enemy or group of enemies within close range. It erupts beneath any you're successful against, lifting them into the air and dropping them for d8 physical damage using your proficiency.
1 🗲

Corrosive Projectile

Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, mark a Stress to deal d6+4 magic damage using your proficiency. The target's Difficulty is temporarily reduced by 1.
2 🗲

Second Wind

Once per short rest, when you make a successful strike against an enemy, you may clear 3 Stress or one Hit Point. On a success with Hope, you may also clear 3 Stress or 1 Hit Point of an ally who is within close range of you.
1 🗲


You speak with an unmatched power and grace. When you attempt to use this candor to de-escalate a violent situation or get someone to follow your lead, roll with advantage.
Your conviction also emboldens you in moments of duress. When all of your Stress is marked, your damage rolls are made with +1 Proficiency.
1 🗲

Lean On Me

Once per long rest, when a character has failed at an action they were attempting, if you console or inspire them, you both clear 2 Stress.
1 🗲

Critical Inspiration

Once per short rest, when you roll a critical success on an Attack Roll, all allies within very close range may clear one Stress or gain one Hope.
2 🗲

Preservation Blast

Make a Spellcast Roll against all enemies within melee range of you. Any you succeed against are hurdled into far range and dealt d8+3 magic damage using your Spellcast Trait.
1 🗲

Blink Out

Make a Spellcast Roll (12). On a success, spend a Hope and vanish, teleporting to another place you can see within far range. If any creatures are in very close range to you when you succeed, you can spend an additional Hope each to bring them with you.
2 🗲

Deadly Focus

Once per short rest, you can apply all your focus towards a single target. Choose that target. Until you attack another target, you defeat the creature, or the battle ends, add +1 to your Proficiency.
0 🗲

Fortified Armor

Increase your Armor Score by +2 while you are wearing armor and this card is your loadout. Once per short rest, you may use an Armor Slot without marking it.
1 🗲


If you have an ally in close range of you, mark a Stress to boost off of them and into the air to perform an aerial attack at an enemy within far range. You have advantage on the attack, add 1d10 to the damage, and end your action in melee range of the target.
1 🗲


When you successfully evade an attack coming from beyond melee range, you may roll a number of d6 equal to your proficiency. If any roll a 6, mark a Stress to direct the attack to instead damage an enemy within very close range of you.
2 🗲

Book of Grynn

Arcane Deflection: Once per long rest, spend a Hope to completely negate any incoming damage from a single attack on you or an ally very close to you.
Time Lock: Target a non-living object within far range. That object stops in time and space exactly where it is until the end of the scene. If a creature tries to move it, make a Spellcast Roll against them to maintain this spell.
Wall of Flame: Use an action to mark a Stress and create a temporary wall of magical flame between two points within far range. Anything that passes through it takes 4d10+3 magic damage.
3 🗲

Book of Exota

Counterspell: You can interrupt a spell or magical effect that is taking place to make a Reaction Roll using your Spellcast trait. On a success, the spell or effect is immediately stopped and any consequences are avoided, and this card is placed into your Vault.
Create Construct: Spend a Hope to choose a group of objects around you and create an animated construct form them that obeys basic commands. Use a Spellcast Roll to command it to take action. When necessary, it shares your Evasion and Traits and its attacks deal 2d10+3 physical damage. You can only hold one construct at a time and it falls apart when it is hit for any amount of damage.
1 🗲

Soothing Speech

During a short rest, when you use the Tend to Wounds downtime move on another character, you may speak supportive words to heal an extra Hit Point on them. When you do, also heal two of your own.
1 🗲

Through Your Eyes

Point to a target within very far range. You can now see through their eyes and hear through their ears. You may return to this vision at any time until you cast another spell of mark a Hit Point.
0 🗲

Stealth Expertise

When you attempt to move through a dangerous area without being noticed, if you roll with Fear, you can always mark a Stress to change it to a roll with Hope instead.
If an ally within close range is also attempting to move without being noticed and rolls with Fear, you can mark a Stress to change their roll to a roll with Hope as well.
1 🗲

Midnight Mark

Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within very close range. On a success, spend a Hope to conjure a dark glyph upon their body that exposes their weak points, temporarily reducing the target's Difficult number by 1 + your Knowledge trait.
2 🗲

Healing Field

Once per long rest, you can use an action to conjure a field of healing plants around you. Everywhere within close range of you bursts to life with vibrant nature, allowing you and your allies in the area to immediately heal one Hit Point.
Spend two Hope to increase the healing power of this spell to two Hit Points.
1 🗲

Death Grip

Choose an option below and make a Spellcast Roll against a target in close range. On a success, vines reach out from your hands, causing the chosen effect and making the Restrained.
  • Pull the target into melee range of you or pull yourself into melee range with it.
  • Constrict the target to deal 2 Stress.
  • Any enemies between you and the target must make a Reaction Roll (13) or be hit by vines, dealing 3d6+2 physical damage.
1 🗲

Life Ward

Use an action to spend 3 Hope and point at a close ally. They are marked then with a glowing sigil of protection. If this ally is ever required to make a death move for any reason, they ignore it and clear one hit point.
This spell ends when it saves the target from a Death Move, it is cast on another target, or when you take a long rest.
1 🗲


Once per long rest, you may spend 3 Hope to reach out to the forces beyond and ask one question about an event, person, place, or situation in the near future. Your vision of the world will momentarily twist and shape around you to show the answer, though it may be cryptic, obscured, or partial.
1 🗲

Goad Them On

Make a Presence roll against a target. On a success, the target takes a Stress and the next time they act, they target you with disadvantage.
2 🗲

Support Tank

When an ally close to you fails a roll, you may spend 2 Hope to allow them to reroll either their Hope or Fear die and take the new result instead.
1 🗲

Chain Lightning

Use an action and mark two Stress to unleash lightning on all targets within Close range. The GM must make a Reaction Roll (14) for each. On a failure, they take 2d8+4 magic damage. Additional adversaries not already targeted by Chain Lightning and within Close range of previous targets that were hit must also make a Reaction Roll (14). On a failure, they take 2d8+4 magic damage. This chain continues until there are no more valid adversaries. An adversary may only be targeted once per action.
2 🗲


You can channel arcane energy to have visions of the future. Once per long rest, immediately after the GM conveys the consequences of a roll you made, you may make that event your Premonition. You instead rescind the action and consequences like they never happened and choose another action instead.
1 🗲

Champion's Edge

When you get a critical success on an Attack Roll, you may spend up to three Hope and choose that many of the following options:
  • Clear a Hit Point.
  • Clear a marked Armor Slot.
  • Mark +1 Hit Point on the target of the attack.
0 🗲


When you take this card, choose two:
  • Permanently add one additional Stress Slot.
  • Permanently add one additional Hit Point Slot.
  • Permanently raise your Damage Thresholds by +2.
Then place it into your Vault permanently.
1 🗲

Signature Move

You take on a signature move in battle that you can perform once per short rest. Name it and describe it. When you include its description in an action you're taking, use a d20 instead of a d12 as your Hope die. If the attack succeeds, you may clear a Stress.
1 🗲

Know Thy Enemy

When observing a creature, you can make a Instinct Roll against the target. On a success, spend a Hope and ask the GM for two of the mechanical specific options about the target from the following options:
  • Current hit points and unmarked stress.
  • Difficulty and Damage Thresholds.
  • Their Tactics and standard attack Damage Dice.
  • Their Moves and Experiences.
On a success, you may also mark a Stress to remove one Fear from the GM's Fear Pool.
2 🗲


Once per long rest, you have the ability to instantly teleport yourself and a number of willing targets within close range to a place known to you. Choose one option below to take additional modifiers, then make a Spellcast Roll (16).
  • If you know the place very well, take +5.
  • If you've visited the place frequently, take +3.
  • If you've visited the place infrequently, take +1.
  • If you've only been there once, no modifiers.
  • If you've never been there, take -4.
On a success, you appear where you were intending to go. On a failure, you appear off course, with the range of failure signifying how far off course.
2 🗲

Manifest Wall

Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, once per short rest, spend a Hope to create a temporary magical wall at any angle up to 50 feet high from one point, within far range of you, to another. Any creatures or objects in its path are shunted to one side. It will dissipate at the end of your next long rest, or when you use this spell again.
1 🗲

Words of Discord

When you whisper words of discord to an adversary in melee range, make a Spellcast Roll (13). On a success, the target immediately takes a Stress and makes an attack against another enemy instead of against you or your allies. If in combat, the GM spends a token from the action tracker to do so.
Once this attack is over, the target will realize what has happened. On the next use of Words of Discord against them, add +5 to the Spellcast Roll difficulty.
2 🗲

Thought Delver

You can peek into the minds of others. Spend a Hope to read the vague surface thoughts of a target within far range. Make a Spellcast Roll against the target to delve for deeper, more hidden thoughts.
1 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within close range. On a success, spend a Hope to temporarily conjure suppressive magic around the target that encompasses everything within very close range of them and follows them as they move.
The target and anything within the area cannot make noise and cannot cast spells until the GM spends a Fear to end it, you cast this spell again, or you take Major damage.
2 🗲

Phantom Retreat

Spend a Hope to activate Phantom Retreat where you've currently standing. You may spend another Hope at any time before your next short rest to disappear from where you are and reappear where you were standing when you activated Phantom Retreat. This will end the spell.
1 🗲

Wild Fortress

Make a Spellcast Roll (13) to grow a natural barricade in the shape of a dome for you and up to one ally to hide within. You immediately become Hidden as long as you stay within, but may reveal yourself out the top of the dome to make attacks. The dome has the damage thresholds below and lasts until it takes three Hit Points. Place tokens on this card to represent marking Hit Points.


1 🗲

Thorn Skin

Once per short rest, spend a Hope while touching a willing creature and place a number of tokens equal to your Spellcast Trait on this card. Whenever the target takes damage, you can remove any number of these tokens to roll that number of d6s. Then reduce the incoming damage by that amount and, if the attacker is in melee, deal that amount of damage back to them.
When you take a rest, clear all tokens.
1 🗲

Shape Material

Use an action and mark a Hope to adjust a section of natural material you are touching (like stone, ice, wood, etc) into a shape that suits your purpose. This material area can be no larger than you. Examples include forming a rudimentary tool or weapon, creating a door or passage, etc.
You can only affect the material within close range of where you are touching it.
2 🗲


Spend 3 Hope to charge up a powerful smite. On the next successful attack you make with a weapon, double the value of your damage roll. This attack deals magic damage regardless of the weapon's damage type.
1 🗲


Your Armor Score increases by +1 while you are wearing armor and this card is in your loadout.
During a short rest, if you choose to take the Repair Armor downtime action, everybody in your party also clears one additional Armor Slot.
1 🗲

Rousing Strike

Once per short rest, when you roll a Critical Success on an Attack Roll, you and all allies that can see or hear you may clear a Hit Point or 1d4 Stress.
0 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, you can use your mind to lift and move it anywhere within far range of its original position. If you want to throw the lifted target as an attack, make an additional Spellcast Roll against the target you are trying to hit. On a success, deal d12+4 physical damage using your proficiency, then the spell ends.
2 🗲

Rift Walker

Make a Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, you place an arcane marking upon the ground where you currently stand. The next time you successfully cast Rift Walker, a rift in space will open up, porividing safe passage back to the exact spot where the marking was placed. You may drop the spell at any time to cast Rift Walker again and place the marking somewhere new.
This rift stays open until you choose to close it or you cast another spell.
0 🗲

Rage Up

Before making an Attack Roll, you may mark a Stress to increase the damage roll of that attack by double your Strength trait.
You may Rage Up twice per Attack Roll.
2 🗲

Battle Hardened

Once per long rest, when you mark your final Hit Point, instead of making a death move, you can choose to automatically take a Scar (permanently cross out one Hope Slot), and roll 1d6. Clear that many Hit Points and stay on your feet.
0 🗲

Rapid Riposte

When you successfully evade an attack from melee range, you can mark a Stress to automatically deal damage form an active weapon to the attacker.
1 🗲


During a short rest, you can always choose to do one of the long rest options instead. You may spend a Hope to let one additional party memeber do the same.
0 🗲


Choose a target creature within close range. You can temporarily banish them from this realm. Use an action to roll an amount of d20s equal to your Spellcast Trait and tell the GM the highest result. The GM must make a Reaction Roll with a target number of this result.
On a success, they mark a Stress. If they fail, once per short rest, they are banished. On any rolls the PCs make with Fear, the GM reduces the target number by one and makes another Reaction Roll. If it succeeds, the creature returns from banishment.
2 🗲

Sigil of Retribution

Use an action to give the GM a Fear and mark a close enemy with a Sigil of Retribution. Every time that enemy does damage to you or your allies, put a d8 on this card up to a maximum of your level. Any time you attack this enemy, you may choose to roll these dice and add their value to your total damage. This spell ends when you cast this spell on another creature.
0 🗲

Share the Burden

Once per short rest, you can use an action to absorb Stress from a willing creature you can touch. The target describes what intimate knowledge or emotions leak from their mind telepathically in this moment between you. Then, transfer any number of their marked Stress to you and you also gain a Hope for each Stress transferred.
1 🗲

Never Upstaged

When you mark one or more Hit Points from an attack, you may mark a Stress to place a number of tokens on this card equal to the number of Hit Points you marked. On your next successful attack, increase your damage total by +5 for each token on this card, then clear all tokens.
If you have any tokens remaining on this card when you take a long rest, clear that much Stress.
0 🗲

Mass Disguise

When you have a few minutes of silence to focus, you can mark a Stress to change the appearance of every willing target close to you. The new form must share a general body structure and size, and can be somebody or something you've seen before or entirely fabricated. A disguised creature's Presence rolls to shrug off scrutiny have Advantage.
Start a d8 countdown die that begins at 8 and can be ticked down by the GM as a consequence. When it reaches 0, the disguise drops.
0 🗲

Dark Whispers

You can speak into the mind of any person you've ever seen or know the name of.
When you do, you may also choose to mark a Stress to make a Spellcast Roll against them. On a success, you can ask one of the questions below.
  • Where are they?
  • What are they doing?
  • What are they afraid of?
  • What do they cherish most in the world?
0 🗲

Conjured Steeds

Spend a Hope to conjure a number of magical steeds (horses, camels, elephants, etc.) up to your level that you and allies can ride upon until your next long rest or the steed takes any damage. These will double your land speed when traveling and let you move to somewhere within far range without having to roll when in danger. Any Attack Rolls made atop the steeds are at -2, but add +2 to their damage rolls.
1 🗲


As an additional downtime move, you may roll 1d6 to see what you forage. Work with the GM to describe it, and add it to your inventory as a Consumable. You party may carry up to five foraged Consumables at a time.
  1. A unique food. (Clear 2 Stress)
  2. A beautiful relic. (Earn 2 Hope)
  3. An arcane rune. (+2 to a Spellcast Roll)
  4. A healing vial. (Clear 2 Hit Points)
  5. A luck charm. (Reroll all Duality or Damage Dice)
  6. You may choose one of the above options.
2 🗲

Zone of Protection

Make a Spellcast Roll (16). On a success, once per long rest, you can designate a point within far range of you and create a visible zone of protection there for all allies within very close range of that point. When you do, place a d8 on this card at its highest value. When taking damage, any allies in this zone automatically reduce it by the die's value. Then reduce the die's value by 1. This spell ends when the die reaches 0.
2 🗲


After a long rest, place a number of tokens equal to your Spellcast Trait on this card. As an action, you can touch a creature and spend any number of tokens to heal them for 2 Hit Points per token. You can also use an action and spend a token when touching a creature to clear a Stress, end the Vulnerable condition, a disease, or a magical ailment (though the GM might require additional tokens depending on the power of the ailment).
When you take a long rest, clear all tokens.
2 🗲

Rise Up

While this card is in your loadout, increase your Severe Damage Threshold by your Proficiency.
1 🗲


Whenever you fail an Action Roll, your next Action Roll has Advantage.
2 🗲

Arcana Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Arcana domain:
  • Take +1 to your Spellcast Rolls.
  • Once per short rest, switch the values on your Hope and Fear dice.
2 🗲

Cloaking Blast

After you make a successful Spellcast Roll to cast a different spell, you can also spend a Hope to immediately become Hidden.
Hidden only drops the next time you make an action roll or the GM uses all of the tokens on the action tracker.
1 🗲

Blade Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Blade domain:
  • Attack Rolls always take +2 to their result.
  • Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +4.
1 🗲

Glancing Blow

Whenever you make an attack that misses its target, you may mark a Stress to still hit the target for weapon damage at half Proficiency (rounded up).
2 🗲

Bone Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are form the Bone domain:
  • Increase your Agility by +1.
  • Once per short rest, take an action in combat without adding a token to the action tracker.
1 🗲

Cruel Precision

Whenever you make a successful attack with a weapon, add either your Finesse or Agility trait to the damage.
2 🗲

Codex Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Codex domain:
  • You can always mark a Stress to add your proficiency to a spellcast roll.
  • Once per short rest, you may replace this card with any card from your Vault instead without paying a Recall cost.
0 🗲

Book of Homet

Pass Through: Make a Spellcast Roll (13) on a wall or door within close range. On a success, once per short rest, you and anyone who is touching you can pass through it. The spell drops once everyone is on the other side.
Plane Gate: Make a Spellcast Roll (14). On a success, once per long rest, you open a gateway to a location in another dimension or plane of existence that you are aware of. This gateway lasts for 1 minute, or until you wish it to close.
2 🗲

Grace Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Grace domain:
  • You may mark an Armor Slot instead of marking Stress.
  • When you get a critical success on an Action Roll, an enemy within close range takes a Stress, or an ally within close range gains a Hope.
  • When you should deal a number of hit points to a target, you may choose instead to deal that many Stress.
1 🗲

Endless Charisma

Whenever you make an Action Roll to persuade, lie, or garner favor, you can spend a Hope to reroll the Hope or Fear die and take the new result instead.
2 🗲

Midnight Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Midnight domain:
  • Whenever the GM gains a Fear, you gain a Hope.
  • If your Fear die ever rolls a 1 or 2, you may reroll it and take the new result instead.
1 🗲

Vanishing Dodge

When you successfully evade physical damage, you can spend a Hope to envelope yourself in shadow, becoming Hidden and teleporting to anywhere in close range of the target that attacked you. You remain Hidden until the next time you make an action roll.
2 🗲

Sage Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Sage domain:
  • When you are in a natural environment, you always take +2 to your Spellcast Rolls.
  • Once per short rest, before you roll, treat your Agility or Instinct Trait as though it were double its current value.
2 🗲

Wild Surge

Once per long rest, mark a Stress to channel the natural world around you and use it to enhance yourself. Describe how your appearance changes, then place a d+ on this card at a value of 6.
While the Wild Surge die is active, it adds its value to every Action Roll you make. After you add its value to a roll, reduce it by 1. When the die's value reaches 0 or you take a rest, this form drops and you must mark an additional Stress.
2 🗲

Splendor Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Splendor domain:
  • Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +3.
  • Once per long rest, when incoming damage would require you to take a certain number of Hit Points, you may choose to take that much Stress or spend that much Hope instead.
1 🗲

Healing Strike

Whenever you do damage to an enemy, you may alos spend 2 Hope to heal a single Hit Point on an ally within close range of you.
1 🗲

Valor Touched

When a majority of the domain cards in your loadout are from the Valor domain:
  • Your Armor Score increases by +1 while this ability is in your loadout.
  • When you mark one or more Hit Points, roll 1d6. If you get a 5+, you can clear a Hit Point or Stress.
1 🗲

Shrug it Off

When you would take damage, you may mark a Stress to reduce the severity of the damage by one Threshold. When yo do, roll 1d6. If the result is a 3 or below, place this card into your Vault.
2 🗲

Confusing Aura

Make a Spellcast Roll (14). Once per long rest, on a success you create a layer of illusion over your body that makes it hard to tell exactly where you are. You may mark any number of Stress to make that many additional layers. When an adversary makes an attack against you, roll a number of d6 equal to the number of layers currently active. If any land on a 5+, one layer of the aura is destroyed and you avoid the attack. If all are 4-, you take the damage an the effect ends.
1 🗲

Arcane Reflection

Whenever you would take magic damage, you may spend any number of Hope to roll that number of d+. If any of the dice roll a result of +, the attack is relfected back onto the caster, dealing the damage to them instead.
2 🗲

Battle Cry

Once per short rest, while you are charing into danger, you can muster a rousing shout or phrase that inspires your allies. You and all your allies that can hear you each clear a Stress, gain a Hope, and until you or an ally fails a roll with Fear, take advantage on attack rolls.
3 🗲


Once per long rest, you can go into a frenzied state until there are no more threats within sight.
While frenzied, you cannot use Armor Slots, you add +10 to all damage rolls, and your Severe Damage Threshold is increased by +8.
3 🗲

Breaking Blow

When you make a successful attack, you may mark a Stress to make the next successful attack against that same target do an additonal +2d12 damage.
3 🗲


Make an Agility Roll against all enemies close to you. You may spend a Hope to move any enemies you are successful against to any position within close rnage.
The Agility Roll does not contribute a token to the action tracker.
2 🗲

Book of Vyola

Memory Delve: Make a Spellcast Roll against a target within far range. On a success, you get into the mind of the creature and ask a question. The GM will describe any memories they have that pertain tto the answer.
Shared Clarity: Once per long rest, spend a Hope to choose two willing creatures. Whenever one of them should mark Stress, they can choose between the two of them who marks it. This spell will automatically end at their next rest.
3 🗲


When you have a few minutes of calm to focus, you may spend 2 Hope to summon your Haven, a large interdimensional home for you and your allies to take shelter in. When you do, a magical door appears somewhere within close distance of you and is only enterable by those you choose. Once inside, you can make the entrance invisible. You and anyone else inside can always exit. Once you leave, the doorway mst be summoned again.
When you take a rest within your own Haven, you can take an additional Downtime Action.
0 🗲

Astral Projection

Once per long rest, mark a Stress to create a projected copy of yourself that can appear anywhere you've been before.
You can see and hear through it as though it were you, and can affect the world as though you were there. Anyone investigating this projection can tell it's of magical origin. This spell ends at your next short rest or when your projection takes any damage.
3 🗲

Mass Enrapture

Make a Spellcast Roll against all enemies within far range. Any you succeed against temporarily keep their attention on you, narrowing their field of view and drowning out any sound but your own. You may also mark a Stress to deal a Stress to all targets who are enraptured.
1 🗲


When you take magic damage, place tokens on this card equal to the number of hit points you marked.
When you make a successful attack roll against a target, you can spend any number of the tokens from this card to deal an additional 1d6 magic damage per token. On your next rest, clear all tokens.
2 🗲


Under the cover of shadow, your prowess is enhanced. While you are shrouded in low light or darkness, you have +1 Evasion and make attack rolls with advantage.
1 🗲

Rejuvenation Barrier

Make a Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, once per short rest, you can create a temporary barrier of protective energy around you. You and all allies within very close range of you when it is first cast heal 1d4 Hit Points. While the barrier is up, you and all allies within have Resistance to physical damage.
This barrier will follow you as you move.
2 🗲

Forest Sprites

Make a Spellcast Roll (13). On a success, spend any number of Hope to create an equal number of small Forest Sprites that appear whenever you choose within far range, distracting enemies and aiding allies. Describe what form they take.
Attack Rolls against an enemy within melee range of a Sprite gain +3. Any allies who mark an Armor Slot while in melee range of a Sprite add +3 to their Armor Score.
A Sprite vanishes after granting a bonus or taking any damage.
2 🗲

Stunning Sunlight

Make a Spellcast Roll against any enemies in front of you within far range as you unleash powerful rays of burning sunlight. Spend a Hope for each enemy you succeed against that you want to affect, and they must make a Reaction Roll (14).
On a success, they take 4d20+5 magic damage.
On a failure, they take 4d20+5 magic damage and are Stunned, keeping them from acting until the condition is cleared.
2 🗲

Shield Aura

Mark a Stress to cast Shield Aura on a creature you can touch. Whenever they use an Armor Slot, they roll a d12 and add its value to their Armor Score. If the d12 result is equal to or above their current level, this spell ends. If the d12 result is below their current level, it stays active.
1 🗲

Full Surge

Once per long rest, mark 3 Stress to push your body to its limits, increasing all of your Character Traits by +2. This lasts until your next rest.
2 🗲

Ground Pound

Spend 2 Hope to strike the ground where you stand and make a Strength Roll against any enemies within very close range of you. All you succeed against are thrown back to far range and must make a Reaction Roll (17). On a failure, they also take 4d10+8 damage. On a success, they take half damage instead (rounded up).
2 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll (16). Once per short rest, on a success any targets within very far range must make a Reaction Roll (18). On a failure, they take 3d10+8 physical damage and are Vulnerable. On a success, they take half damage (rounded up).
When you successfully cast this spell, all terrain within very far range of you becomes difficult to move through, and strucutres within this range may sustain damage or crumble.
0 🗲

Sensory Projection

Once per short rest, make a Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, drop into a vision that lets you clearly see and hear any place you have been before in this moment as though you are standing there. You can move freely in this vision and are not constrained by the physics or impediments of a physical body. This spell cannot be detected by mundane or magical means and you will drop out of this vision immediately upon taking damage or casting another spell.
2 🗲

Gore and Glory

Whenever you deal enough damage to defeat an enemy, you can gain a Hope or clear a Stress. When you roll a Critical Success on a weapon attack, you gain an additional Hope or clear an additional Stress.
3 🗲

Reaper's Strike

Spend a Hope and make an Attack Roll. The GM will tell you any enemy it would succeed against in range of your weapon. Once per long rest, choose one of these enemies, and immediately deal 5 Hit Points of damage to them.
1 🗲

On the Brink

When you have one Hit Point remaining, any damage below your Major Threshold is ignored.
3 🗲

Splintering Strike

Spend a Hope and make an Attack Roll against all enemies in your weapon's range. On a success against any tragets, once per long rest, you can choose to distribute this damage however you wish between any enemies you are successful against. On each enemy you apply damage to, roll an additional damage die and add its value.
4 🗲

Book of Ronin

Transform: Make a Spellcast Roll (15). On a success, immediately transform into the shape of an inanimate object you can picture in your mind no larger than twice your normal size. You can remain in this shape until you take Hit Point damage. You can move in this form, but it might draw attention.
Stable Portal: Once per long rest, use an action to mark a Stress and choose two points within very far distance of you. A temporary portal will open up at both of those pooints, and any creature may use this portal to mvoe between these two points freely. The spell will end at your next short rest.
4 🗲

Disintegration Wave

Make a Spellcast Roll (14). On a success, once per long rest, the GM will tell you what enemies within far range have a difficulty of 18 or lower. You may mark a Stress for each one you wish to hit with this spell. They are immediately killed and cannot come back to life by any means.
0 🗲

Master of the Craft

Add +2 to any two of your Experiences, or +3 to any one of your Experiences. Then permanently put this card into your Vault.
3 🗲


Once per long rest, this card can mimic the features of any other active Domain card in another player's loadout of Level 8 or lower. Spend Hope equal to half the card's level (rounded up) to gain access to feature. It lasts until your next short rest or they put the card in their vault.
2 🗲

Night Terror

Once per long rest, use an action to choose any targets within very close range. For them, your visage changes into something of nightmarish horror. They must make a successful Reaction Roll (16) or become temporarily Horrified. While Horrified, they are Vulnerable. Steal an amount of Fear from the GM equal to the number of targets that are Horrified (or as many as they have, if it's not enough). For each Fear stolen, roll a d6 and deal that much damage to each Horrified target. Discard the stolen Fear.
1 🗲

Twilight Toll

Choose a target within far range to mark. Each time you succeed on any Action Roll against them that doesn't result in making a damage roll, place a token on this card. When you roll damage against this target, you can spend any number of tokens to deal an additional 1d12 per token spend. You may only hold Twilight Toll on one creature at a time.
1 🗲

Plant Dominion

Make a Spellcast Roll (18). On a success, you reshape the natural world, changing the surrounding plant life within very far range of you. You can grow trees instantly, clear a path through dense vines, create a wall of thick roots, etc.
If you create a hostile environment, anyone who moves into or through it takes 3d10+7 physical damage.
2 🗲

Fane of the Wilds

After a long rest, place a number of tokens equal to how many Sage Domain cards you have in your Loadout and Vault on this card.
Whenever you would make a Spellcast Roll, you may spend any number of these tokens before the roll to add +1 to the result per token.
Whenever you roll a Critical Success on a Spellcast Roll for a Sage domain spell, gain a token.
When you take a long rest, clear all tokens.
2 🗲

Overwhelming Aura

Make a Spellcast Roll (15) to temporarily emit a powerful presence. On a success, spend 2 Hope to make your Presence score equal to your Spellcast Trait until your next long rest.
While you have Overwhelming Aura active, an adversary must always mark a Stress when they target you with an attack.
2 🗲

Salvation Beam

Make a Spellcast Roll (16). On a success, mark any amount of Stress to clear that many Hit Points on a line of allies within far range, dividing up the healing however you'd like among them.
1 🗲

Hold the Line

Spend a Hope to take a defensive stance that lasts until you move or fail a roll with Fear. While in this stance, note the area within close range of you. If any enemy ever occupies that area, they are immediately put into melee with you and are temporarily Restrained.
The Restrained condition can only be ended if the GM spends a Fear to do it.
3 🗲

Lead By Example

Mark a Stress when you deal damage to an adversary. The next PC to make an attack against that adversary can clear a Stress or gain a Hope.
1 🗲

Falling Sky

Make a Spellcast Roll against all enemies within far range. Mark any number of Stress to make shards of arcana rain down from above, dealing 1d20+2 damage per each Stress you marked to any targets you succeed against.
1 🗲

Adjust Reality

After a dice roll you or a willing ally makes, you may spend 5 Hope to change the results of that roll to a result of your choice instead. The result must be plausible within the range of the dice.
0 🗲

Battle Monster

When you make a successful attack against an enemy, instead of rolling for damage you may mark 6 Stress to deal the target a number of Hit Points equal to the amount of Hit Points you currently have marked.
0 🗲


When you successfully hit, your weapon attacks never deal damage beneath a target's Major Damage Threshold (you will always deal a minimum of 2 Hit Points of damage).
In addition, whenever an enemy within weapon range deals damage to an ally with an attack that doesn't include you, you can mark a Stress to immediately have them make a Reaction Roll (15). On a failure, you deal weapon damage to them at half proficiency (rounded up).
1 🗲


After you successfully evade an attack, you may clear a Stress. If you successfully evade an attack and have no Stress to clear, instead gain a Hope.
1 🗲


Spend 3 Hope to run an open path through the battlefield and make an Attack Roll against all enemies within weapon range along your path. Of your successful targets, choose the order in which you deal damage. For the first, roll your weapon damage at +1 Proficiency. Then, remove one die from your pool and deal the remaining damage to the next target in descending order until you're out of damage dice or enemies.
You cannot target the same creature more than once.
2 🗲

Book of Yarrow

Timejammer: Make a Spellcast Roll (18). On a success, time temporarily slows to a halt for everyone within far range except for you. It will automatically resume the next time you make an action roll that targets another creature.
Magic Immunity: Spend 5 Hope to become immune to magic damage until your next short rest.
1 🗲

Transcendent Union

Once per long rest, spend 5 Hope to cast this spell on two or more willing creatures that wish to be bonded. Until your next short rest, any creatures that have this union with each other can always share Hit Points Slots and Stress Slots between them.
1 🗲


People know who you are and what you've done, and will treat you differently because of it. Whenever you leverage your notoriety to get what you want, mark a Stress before you roll to take +10 to the result. All food and drinks for you are always free wherever you go, and everything else you buy is reduced in price by one chest of gold (to a minimum of one handful).
This card must remain in your loadout, but doesn't count towards your domain card maximum.
1 🗲


When an ally within close range of you deals damage to an enemy, you make make a Spellcast Roll against that same enemy. On a success, you immediately do the same amount of damage to them as your ally dealt. If your Spellcast Roll succeeds with Fear, place this card into your Vault afterward.
1 🗲

Specter of the Dark

Mark a Stress to move like a ghost. While in this form, you are visible but float and pass through solid objects until the next time you make an action roll targeting another creature. During this time, you are immune to physical damage.
2 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll (16). Once per long rest, on a success, plunge the entire area within far range into magical shadow. Whenever you or an ally within this shadow are attacked, your Evasion is increased by +2.
In addition, when you or an ally rolls a successful Attack Roll with Hope against an enemy that is within this shadow, the enemy marks a Stress.
This spell lasts until the GM spends a Fear or you take Severe damage.
2 🗲


Choose one of the following tempests and make a Spellcast Roll against all targets in far range. Any you are successful against experience its effects until the GM spends a Fear to end this spell:
Blizzard - Deal 2d20+8 magic damage and make them Vulnerable.
Hurricane - Deal 3d10+10 magic damage. Choose a direction the wind is blowing. Targets can't move against the wind.
Sandstorm - Deal 5d6+9 magic damage and attacks beyond melee range are now at disadvantage.
2 🗲

Force of Nature

You can mark a Stress to transform into a hulking nature spirit, taking the following benefits:
  • Whenever you successfully hit with an Attack or Spell, you deal an additional +10 damage.
  • When you defeat a creature within close range, you absorb them and clear an Armor Slot.
  • You cannot be restrained.
Before you make an Action Roll, you must spend a Hope. If you cannot, you revert to your normal form.
4 🗲


When you or an ally close to you has used an ability or spell that has an exhaustion limit (once per short rest, once per long rest, etc.), spend any amount of Hope and roll that many d6. On a 6, the feature can be used again.
This spell doesn't work on any abilities or spells that have been permanently placed in your Vault.
2 🗲


Make a Spellcast Roll (20). On a success, you may restore one creature who has been dead no longer than 100 years. Then roll a 1d6. On a 1-5, put this card into your Vault permanently.
On a failure, this cannot be attempted again for at least a week, and the consequences of failing such powerful magic can have unexpected effects on the dead.
4 🗲


When you mark your last Hit Point, instead of making a death move, you may roll a 1d6 and clear that many marked Hit Points. Then put this card into your Vault.
1 🗲

Unyielding Armor

After you decide how many armor slots you are going to spend to reduce incoming damage, roll that many d6s. For every result of 6, you don't have to mark an armor slot.

Agile Scout

(Fox, Mouse, Weasel, etc.)

+1 Agility | Bite Melee Agility d4 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Deceive, Locate, Sneak

Agile: Your movement is silent and you may spend Hope to get anywhere within Far range without needing to make a roll.
Fragile: When you take Major damage or greater, you drop Beastform.

Household Friend

(Dog, Cat, Rabbit, etc.)

+1 Instinct | Melee Instinct d6 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Climb, Locate, Protect

Companion: When you assist another PC, the advantage die you roll is a d8.
Fragile: When you take Major Damage or greater, you drop Beastform.

Nimble Grazer

(Deer, Goat, Gazelle, etc.)

+1 Agility | Melee Agility d6 | Evasion +3

Take advantage on: Leap, Sneak, Sprint

Elusive Prey: When you would be hit by an attack, you may mark Stress and roll 1d4. Add the result to your Evasion for this attack.
Fragile: When you take Major Damage or greater, you drop Beastform.

Pack Predator

(Wolf, Coyote, Hyena, etc.)

+2 Strength | Melee Strength d8+2 (phy) | Evasion +1

Take advantage on: Attack, Sprint, Track

Pack Hunting: When you make an attack roll on the same target as an ally right before you, add an additional d8 to your damage dice pool.
Hobbling Strike: When you hit with a melee attack, you may mark a Stress to make the target temporarily Vulnerable.

Aquatic Scout

(Fish, Eel, Octopus, etc.)

+1 Agility | Melee Agility d4 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Navigate, Sneak, Swim

Aquatic: You can breathe and move naturally underwater.
Fragile: When you take Major damage or greater, you drop Beastform.

Stalking Arachnid

(Tarantula, Wolf Spider, etc.)

+1 Finesse | Melee Finesse d6+1 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Attack, Climb, Sneak

Webslinger: You have the ability to create strong web material that can be useful in both adventuring and battle. It is resilient enough to support a single creature. You may make a target within Close range Restrained by making a successful Finesse roll against them.
Venemous Bite: When you hit with a melee attack, the target becomes temporarily Envenomated. An Envenomated creature takes 1d10 phy direct damage each time they act. This condition cannot stack.

Armored Sentinel

(Armadillo, Pangolin, Turtle, etc.)

+1 Strength | Melee Strength d8+2 (phy) | Evasion +1

Take advantage on: Dig, Protect, Locate

Armored Shell: You have resistance to physical damage. You may also mark an armor slot to tuck into your armor. If you do, physical damage is also reduced by your armor score (after being halved), but you can't perform any other action except moving without leaving this form.
Cannon Ball: You can mark stress to be thrown or launched at an opponent. An ally makes an attack roll with Agility or Strength against a target within Close range. On a success, deal d12+2 damage using the thrower's proficiency. If there is another enemy very close to the target, on a success you can also spend a Hope to ricochet off the first enemy and hit the second for half damage.

Brutish Beast

(Bear, Bull, Moose, etc.)

+1 Strength | Melee Strength d10+4 (phy) | Evasion +3

Take advantage on: Navigate, Scare, Protect

Rampage: When you are rolling damage from an attack, for every 1 you roll you may roll another d10 and add it to your damage roll. Before making an Attack roll, you can mark a Stress to gain +1 Proficiency to the attack.
Thick Hide: You increase your Damage Thresholds by +2 in this form.

Mighty Strider

(Camel, Horse, Zebra, etc.)

+1 Agility | Melee Agility d8+1 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Leap, Navigate, Sprint

Carrier: You can carry up to 2 willing allies with you when you move.
Trample: You may mark a Stress to move up to Close range in a straght line and make a melee attack against every target you pass in that movement. Each target hit takes d8+1 (phy) damage using your proficiency and is knocked down, becoming temporarily Vulnerable.

Striking Serpent

(Viper, Cobra, Rattlesnake, etc.)

+1 Finesse | Finesse Very Close d8+4 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Attack, Climb, Deceive

Venemous Strike: Strike out at any targets within Very Close range. Any you are successful against are temporarily Envenomated. An Envenomated creature takes 1d10 phy direct damage each time they act. This condition cannot stack.

Puncing Predator

(Cheetah, Lion, Panther, etc.)

+1 Instinct | Melee Instinct d8+6 (phy) | Evasion +3

Take advantage on: Attack, Climb, Sneak

Fleet: You can spend Hope to move anywhere within far range without needing to make a check.
Takedown: Mark a Stress to move into melee range with a target and make a basic attack against them. On a success, take +2 proficiency on the damage and cause the target to mark Stress.

Winged Beast

(Raven, Hawk, Owl, etc.)

+1 Finesse | Melee Finesse d4+2 (phy) | Evasion +3

Take advantage on: Deceive, Locate, Scare

Bird's Eye View: You can fly at will in this form. When you are flying and look down at the landscape below in an attempt to understand a situation better, make an action roll. On a success, you gain new, useful information here. Take advantage when you or an ally make a roll to act on this information.
Hollow Bones: You reduce your Damage Thresholds by -2 in this form.

Great Predator

(Dire Wolf, Sabretooth Tiger, Raptor, etc.)

+2 Strength | Melee Strength d12+8 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Atatck, Sneak, Sprint

Vicious Maul: When you successfully attack a creature, you can spend a Hope to add +1 to your Proficiency for the attack and make the target temporarily Vulnerable
Carrier: You are able to carry up to 2 willing allies with you when you move.

Mighty Lizard

(Alligator, Crocodile, Gila Monster, etc.)

+2 Instinct | Melee Instinct d10+7 (phy) | Evasion +1

Take advantage on: Attack, Track, Sneak

Snapping Strike: When you hit an opponent with a melee attack, you may spend a Hope to hold that opponent in place with your jaws and make the Restrained and Vulnerable.
Physical Defense: Increase your Damage Thresholds by +3

Great Winged Beast

(Giant Eagle, Falcon, etc.)

+2 Finesse | Melee Finesse d8+6 (phy) | Evasion +3

Take advantage on: Locate, Deceive, Distract

Bird's Eye View: You can fly at will while in this form. When you are flying and look down at the landscape below in an attempt to understand a situation better, make an action roll. On a success, you gain new, useful information here. Take advantage when you or an ally make a roll to act on this information.
Carrier: You are able to carry up to 2 willing allies with you when you move.

Aquatic Predator

(Dolphin, Shark, Orca, etc.)

+2 Agility | Melee Agility d10+6 (phy) | Evasion +4

Take advantage on: Track, Attack, Swim

Aquatic: You can breathe and move naturally underwater.
Vicious Maul: When you successfully attack a creature, you can spend a Hope to make them temporarily Vulnerable.

Legendary Beast

(Upgraded Tier 1 Options, etc.)

Evolved: Pick a Tier 1 Beastform option and become a larger, more powerful version of that creature. Retain all traits and features, save for teh following bonuses:
  • Add +6 to your damage rolls in this form.
  • Add +1 to the trait increased by this form.
  • Increase the evasion bonus by +2

Legendary Hybrid

(Griffon, Sphinx, etc.)

+2 Strength | Melee Strength d10+8 (phy) | Evasion +3

Hybrid Features: Choose any two Beastform options from Tiers 1-3. Take their features and advantages.

Massive Behemoth

(Elephant, Mammoth, Rhinoceros, etc.)

+3 Strength | Melee Strength d12+12 (phy) | Evasion +1

Take advantage on: Locate, Protect, Scare, Sprint

Trample: You can spend a Hope to move up to Far range in a straght line and make a melee attack roll against all creatures you would collide with. Any you are successful against take d8+10 (phy) damage using your proficiency.
Undaunted: Raise all your damage thresholds by +2.
Mighty Carrier: You are able to carry up to 4 willing allies with you when you move.

Terrible Lizard

(Tyrannosaurus, Bronchiasaur, etc.)

+3 Strength | Melee Strength d12+10 (phy) | Evasion +2

Take advantage on: Attack, Deceive, Scare, Track

Devastating Strikes: When you deal Severe damage to a target with a melee attack, makrk a Stress to make them mark +1 HP.
Massive Stride: You may move up to a Far distance without rolling and may ignore most rough terrain due to your size.

Mythic Aerial Hunter

(Dragon, Pterodactyl, Roc, Wyvern, etc.)

+3 Finesse | Finesse Melee d10+11 (phy) | Evasion +4

Take advantage on: Attack, Deceive, Navigate, Locate

Deadly Raptor: You can fly at will while in this form and move up to Far range during an action. When you move at least Close range before making an attack and succeed, you may re-roll all damage dice that roll below your Proficiency, taking the new result.
Carrier: You may carry up to 3 willing allies with you when you move.

Epic Aquatic Beast

(Whale, Giant Squid, etc.)

+3 Agility | Agility Melee d10+10 (phy) | Evasion +3

Take advantage on: Locate, Proect, Scare, Track

Ocean Master: You can breathe and move naturally underwater. When you succeed on a Melee attack, you may grapple the target and make them temporarily Restrained.
Unyielding: When you should mark armor slots, roll 1d6 per armor slot marked. For each 5+, don't mark it.

Mythic Beast

(Upgraded Tier 1 or Tier 2 Options)

Evolved: Pick a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Beastform option and become a larger, more powerful version of that creature. Retain all traits and features, save for the following bonuses:
  • Increase your damage die by one size (d6 becomes d8, d8 becomes d10, etc.)
  • Add +9 to your damage rolls in this form.
  • Add +2 to the trait increased by this form.
  • Increase the evasion bonus by +3

Mythic Hybrid

(Chimera, Manticore, Cockatrice, etc.)

+3 Strength | Strength Melee d12 (phy) | Evasion +2

Hybrid Features: Choose any three Beastform options. Take their features and advantages.
Tier 1 Primary Physical Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Broadsword Agility Melee d8 (Phy) One-Handed Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon)
Longsword Agility Melee d8+3 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Mace Strength Melee d8+1 (Phy) One-Handed -
Battleaxe Strength Melee d10+3 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Greatsword Strength Melee d10+3 (Phy) Two-Handed Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest)
Warhammer Strength Melee d12+3 (Phy) Two-Handed Heavy (-1 to Agility)
Dagger Finesse Melee d8+1 (Phy) One-Handed -
Quarterstaff Instinct Melee d10+3 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Cutlass Presence Melee d8+1 (Phy) One-Handed -
Rapier Presence Melee d8 (Phy) One-Handed Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range)
Halberd Strength Very Close d8+2 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Spear Finesse Very Close d8+2 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Shortbow Agility Far d6+3 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Crossbow Finesse Far d6+1 (Phy) One-Handed -
Longbow Agility Very Far d6+3 (Phy) Two-Handed Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion)
Tier 1 Primary Magic Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Hallowed Axe Strength Melee d10+1 (Mag) One-Handed -
Arcane Gauntlets Strength Melee d10+3 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Glowing Rings Agility Very Close d10+2 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Hand Runes Instinct Very Close d10 (Mag) One-Handed -
Returning Blade Finesse Close d8+1 (Mag) One-Handed -
Shortstaff Instinct Close d8+1 (Mag) One-Handed -
Dualstaff Instinct Far d6+3 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Scepter Presence Far d6 (Mag) Two-Handed Versatile (Presence Melee - d10)
Wand Knowledge Far d6+1 (Mag) One-Handed -
Greatstaff Knowledge Very Far d6 (Mag) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Tier 2 Primary Physical Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Improved Broadsword Agility Melee d8+3 (Phy) One-Handed Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon)
Improved Longsword Agility Melee d8+6 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Improved Mace Strength Melee d10+4 (Phy) One-Handed -
Improved Battleaxe Strength Melee d10+6 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Improved Greatsword Strength Melee d10+6 (Phy) Two-Handed Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest)
Improved Warhammer Strength Melee d12+6 (Phy) Two-Handed Heavy (-1 to Agility)
Improved Dagger Finesse Melee d8+4 (Phy) One-Handed -
Improved Quarterstaff Instinct Melee d10+6 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Improved Cutlass Presence Melee d8+4 (Phy) One-Handed -
Improved Rapier Presence Melee d8+3 (Phy) One-Handed Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range)
Improved Halberd Strength Very Close d8+5 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Improved Spear Finesse Very Close d8+5 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Improved Shortbow Agility Far d6+6 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Improved Crossbow Finesse Far d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed -
Improved Longbow Agility Very Far d6+6 (Phy) Two-Handed Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion)
Gilded Falchion Strength Melee d10+4 (Phy) One-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Knuckle Blades Strength Melee d10+6 (Phy) Two-Handed Brutal (For every 10 rolled on a damage die, roll an extra d10 of damage.)
Urok Broadsword Finesse Melee d8+3 (Phy) One-Handed Deadly (When you do Severe damage, deal one extra HP.)
Bladed Whip Agility Very Close d8+3 (Phy) One-Handed Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range.)
Steelforged Halberd Strength Very Close d8+4 (Phy) Two-Handed Scary (Successful attacks also deal an extra Stress.)
War Scythe Finesse Very Close d8+5 (Phy) Two-Handed Reliable (+1 on attack rolls with this weapon.)
Greatbow Strength Far d6+6 (Phy) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Blunderbuss Finesse Far d6+6 (Phy) One-Handed Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.)
Finehair Bow Agility Very Far d6+5 (Phy) Two-Handed Reliable (+1 on attack rolls with this weapon.)
Tier 2 Primary Magic Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Improved Hallowed Axe Strength Melee d10+4 (Mag) One-Handed -
Improved Arcane Gauntlets Strength Melee d10+6 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Improved Glowing Rings Agility Very Close d10+5 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Improved Hand Runes Instinct Very Close d10+3 (Mag) One-Handed -
Improved Returning Blade Finesse Close d8+4 (Mag) One-Handed -
Improved Shortstaff Instinct Close d8+4 (Mag) One-Handed -
Improved Dualstaff Instinct Far d6+6 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Improved Scepter Presence Far d6+3 (Mag) Two-Handed Versatile (Presence Melee - d10+3)
Improved Wand Knowledge Far d6+4 (Mag) One-Handed -
Improved Greatstaff Knowledge Very Far d6+3 (Mag) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowerst.)
Ego Blade Agility Melee d12+4 (Mag) One-Handed Pompous (Must have a Presence score of 0 or less to use this weapon.)
Casting Sword Strength Melee d10+4 (Mag) Two-Handed Versatile (Knowledge Far - d6+3)
Devouring Dagger Finesse Melee d8+4 (Mag) One-Handed Scary (Successful attacks also deal a stress.)
Hammer of Exota Instinct Melee d8+6 (Mag) Two-Handed Eruptive (When you hit a creature in Melee, each Very Close enemy must make a Reaction Roll (14) or take half damage as well.)
Yutari Bloodbow Finesse Far d6+4 (Mag) Two-Handed Brutal (For every 6 rolled on a damage die, roll an additional d6 of damage.)
Elder Bow Instinct Far d6+4 (Mag) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Scepter of Elias Presence Far d6+3 (Mag) One-Handed Invigorating (When you make a successful attack, roll a d4. On a 4, clear a stress.)
Wand of Enthrallment Presence Far d6+4 (Mag) One-Handed Persuasive (Mark stress before rolling Presence to add +2 to the result.)
Bonded Staff Knowledge Far d6+4 (Mag) Two-Handed Reliable. (+1 on any attack rolls with this weaopn.)
Tier 3 Primary Physical Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Advanced Broadsword Agility Melee d8+6 (Phy) One-Handed Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon)
Advanced Longsword Agility Melee d8+9 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Advanced Mace Strength Melee d8+7 (Phy) One-Handed -
Advanced Battleaxe Strength Melee d10+9 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Advanced Greatsword Strength Melee d10+9 (Phy) Two-Handed Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest)
Advanced Warhammer Strength Melee d12+9 (Phy) Two-Handed Heavy (-1 to Agility)
Advanced Dagger Finesse Melee d8+7 (Phy) One-Handed -
Advanced Quarterstaff Instinct Melee d10+9 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Advanced Cutlass Presence Melee d8+7 (Phy) One-Handed -
Advanced Rapier Presence Melee d8+6 (Phy) One-Handed Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range)
Advanced Halberd Strength Very Close d8+8 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Advanced Spear Finesse Very Close d8+8 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Advanced Shortbow Agility Far d6+9 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Advanced Crossbow Finesse Far d6+7 (Phy) One-Handed -
Advanced Longbow Agility Very Far d6+9 (Phy) Two-Handed Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion)
Flickerfly Blade Agility Melee d8+5 (Phy) One-Handed Sharpwing (Add your Agility score to this weapon's damage roll.)
Bravesword Strength Melee d12+7 (Phy) Two-Handed Dense (-1 to Agility & +3 to Severe Damage Threshold)
Hell's Hammer Strength Melee d10+7 (Phy) Two-Handed Devastating (Mark stress before your attack roll to use d20s as your damage dice instead.)
Labrys Axe Strength Melee d10+7 (Phy) Two-Handed Protective (Add +1 to your Armor score.)
Meridian Cutlass Presence Melee d10+5 (Phy) One-Handed Dueling (Take advantage on attack rolls when there are no other adversaries or allies in Close range besides the current target.)
Retractable Saber Presence Melee d10+7 (Phy) One-Handed Retractable (Blade can be hidden in hilt to avoid recognition as a weapon.)
Double Flail Agility Very Close d10+8 (Phy) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Talon Blades Finesse Close d10+7 (Phy) Two-Handed Brutal (For every 10 rolled on a damage die, roll an additional d10 of damage.)
Spiked Bow Agility Very Far d6+7 (Phy) Two-Handed Versatile (Agility Melee - d12+5)
Black Powder Revolver Finesse Very Far d6+6 (Phy) One-Handed Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.)
Tier 3 Primary Magic Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Advanced Hallowed Axe Strength Melee d10+7 (Mag) One-Handed -
Advanced Arcane Gauntlets Strength Melee d10+9 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Advanced Glowing Rings Agility Very Close d10+8 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Advanced Hand Runes Instinct Very Close d10+6 (Mag) One-Handed -
Advanced Returning Blade Finesse Close d8+7 (Mag) One-Handed -
Advanced Shortstaff Instinct Close d8+7 (Mag) One-Handed -
Advanced Dualstaff Instinct Far d6+9 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Advanced Scepter Presence Far d6+6 (Mag) Two-Handed Versatile (Presence Melee - d10+4)
Advanced Wand Knowledge Far d6+7 (Mag) One-Handed -
Advanced Greatstaff Knowledge Very Far d6+6 (Mag) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowerst.)
Axe of Fortunis Strength Melee d10+8 (Mag) Two-Handed Lucky (Spend a Stress on a failure to reroll your attack and take the new result.)
Blessed Anlace Instinct Melee d10+6 (Mag) One-Handed Healing (During downtime, automatically heal 1 hit point.)
Ghostblade Presence Melee d10+7 (Mag) One-Handed Otherworldly (You can choose whether to do Physical or Magic damage.)
Runes of Ruination Knowledge Very Close d20+4 (Mag) One-Handed Painful (Mark Stress every time you attack with this weapon.)
Widogast Pendant Knowledge Close d10+5 (Mag) One-Handed Timebender (You may choose the target of your attack after making your attack roll.)
Gilded Bow Finesse Far d6+7 (Mag) Two-Handed Self-Correcting (Any 1's rolled on the damage dice may be treated as 8's instead.)
Firestaff Instinct Far d6+7 (Mag) Two-Handed Burn (For every damage dice that rolls an 6, deal a Stress.)
Mage Orb Knowledge Far d6+7 (Mag) One-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Ilmari's Blunderbuss Finesse Very Far d6+6 (Mag) One-Handed Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an aciton to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.)
Tier 4 Primary Physical Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Legendary Broadsword Agility Melee d8+9 (Phy) One-Handed Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon)
Legendary Longsword Agility Melee d8+12 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Legendary Mace Strength Melee d8+10 (Phy) One-Handed -
Legendary Battleaxe Strength Melee d10+12 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Legendary Greatsword Strength Melee d10+12 (Phy) Two-Handed Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest)
Legendary Warhammer Strength Melee d12+12 (Phy) Two-Handed Heavy (-1 to Agility)
Legendary Dagger Finesse Melee d8+10 (Phy) One-Handed -
Legendary Quarterstaff Instinct Melee d10+12 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Legendary Cutlass Presence Melee d8+10 (Phy) One-Handed -
Legendary Rapier Presence Melee d8+9 (Phy) One-Handed Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range)
Legendary Halberd Strength Very Close d8+11 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Legendary Spear Finesse Very Close d8+11 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Legendary Shortbow Agility Far d6+12 (Phy) Two-Handed -
Legendary Crossbow Finesse Far d6+10 (Phy) One-Handed -
Legendary Longbow Agility Very Far d6+12 (Phy) Two-Handed Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion)
Double-Sided Sword Agility Melee d10+9 (Phy) Two-Handed Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range.)
Impact Gauntlet Strength Melee d10+11 (Phy) One-Handed Concussive (Spend Hope on a successful attack to launch the target into Far range.)
Sledge Axe Strength Melee d12+13 (Phy) Two-Handed Destructive (-1 to Agility, all Very Close enemies mark a Stress on a successful attack)
Curved Dagger Finesse Melee d8+9 (Phy) One-Handed Serrated (Any 1's rolled on the damage dice count as 10 points of damage.)
Extended Polearm Finesse Very Close d8+10 (Phy) Two-Handed Long (Can target all enemies in a line within range with your attack)
Swinging Ropeblade Presence Close d8+9 (Phy) Two-Handed Grappling (Spend Hope on a successful attack to temporarily make the target Restrained, or pull them into melee with you.)
Ricochet Axes Agility Far d6+11 (Phy) Two-Handed Bouncing (Spend any amount of Stress to hit that many targets in range with the attack.)
Aantari Bow Finesse Far d6+11 (Phy) Two-Handed Reliable (+1 on any attack rolls with this weapon.)
Hand Cannon Finesse Very Far d6+12 (Phy) One-Handed Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.)
Tier 4 Primary Magic Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Legendary Hallowed Axe Strength Melee d10+10 (Mag) One-Handed -
Legendary Arcane Gauntlets Strength Melee d10+12 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Legendary Glowing Rings Agility Very Close d10+11 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Legendary Hand Runes Instinct Very Close d10+9 (Mag) One-Handed -
Legendary Returning Blade Finesse Close d8+10 (Mag) One-Handed -
Legendary Shortstaff Instinct Close d8+10 (Mag) One-Handed -
Legendary Dualstaff Instinct Far d8+12 (Mag) Two-Handed -
Legendary Scepter Presence Far d6+9 (Mag) Two-Handed Versatile (Presence Melee - d10+6)
Legendary Wand Knowledge Far d6+10 (Mag) One-Handed -
Legendary Greatstaff Knowledge Very Far d6+9 (Mag) Two-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowerst.)
Sword of Light & Flame Strength Melee d10+11 (Mag) Two-Handed Penetrating (Cuts through solid material.)
Siphoning Gauntlets Presence Melee d10+9 (Mag) Two-Handed Lifestealing (On a successful attack, roll a d6. On a 6, heal a hit point or clear a Stress.)
Midas Scythe Knowledge Melee d10+9 (Mag) Two-Handed Greedy (You may spend one handful of gold to increase your proficiency by +1 on a damage roll.)
Floating Bladeshards Instinct Close d8+9 (Mag) One-Handed Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.)
Bloodstaff Instinct Far d20+7 (Mag) Two-Handed Painful (Mark a Stress every time you attack with this weapon.)
Thistlebow Instnct Far d6+13 (Mag) Two-Handed Reliable (+1 on any attack rolls with this weapon.)
Wand of Essek Knowledge Far d8+13 (Mag) One-Handed Timebender (-1 to Agility. You may choose the target of your attack after making your attack roll.)
Magus Revolver Finesse Very Far d6+13 (Mag) One-Handed Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.)
Fusion Gloves Knowledge Very Far d6+9 (Mag) Two-Handed Bonded (Add your Level to the damage result.)
Tier 1 Secondary Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Shortsword Agility Melee d8 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+2 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Round Shield Strength Melee d4 (Phy) One-Handed Protective (Add +1 to your armor score.)
Tower Shield Strength Melee d6 (Phy) One-Handed Barrier (Add +3 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion)
Small Dagger Finesse Melee d8 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+2 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Whip Presence Very Close d6 (Phy) One-Handed Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range)
Grappler Finesse Close d6 (Phy) One-Handed Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you)
Hand Crossbow Finesse Far d6+1 (Phy) One-Handed -
Tier 2 Secondary Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Improved Shortsword Agility Melee d8+2 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+3 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Improved Round Shield Strength Melee d4+2 (Phy) One-Handed Protective (Add +2 to your armor score.)
Improved Tower Shield Strength Melee d6+2 (Phy) One-Handed Barrier (Add +4 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion)
Improved Small Dagger Finesse Melee d8+2 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+3 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Improved Whip Presence Very Close d6+2 (Phy) One-Handed Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range)
Improved Grappler Finesse Close d6+2 (Phy) One-Handed Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you)
Improved Hand Crossbow Finesse Far d6+3 (Phy) One-Handed -
Spiked Shield Strength Melee d6+2 (Phy) One-Handed Double Duty (+2 to Armor score, +1 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Parrying Dagger Finesse Melee d6+2 (Phy) One-Handed Parry (On an attack against you, roll this weapon's damage dice. If any match the attacker's they are removed before damage is totalled.)
Returning Axe Agility Close d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed -
Tier 3 Secondary Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Advanced Shortsword Agility Melee d8+4 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+4 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Advanced Round Shield Strength Melee d4+4 (Phy) One-Handed Protective (Add +3 to your armor score.)
Advanced Tower Shield Strength Melee d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed Barrier (Add +5 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion)
Advanced Small Dagger Finesse Melee d8+4 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+4 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Advanced Whip Presence Very Close d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range)
Advanced Grappler Finesse Close d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you)
Advanced Hand Crossbow Finesse Far d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed -
Buckler Agility Melee d4+4 (Phy) One-Handed Deflecting (On an incoming attack, you may spend an armor slot to boost your Evasion score by your Armor score.)
Powered Gauntlet Knowledge Close d6+4 (Mag) One-Handed Charged Attack (Mark stress to increase proficiency by +1 on Primary Weapon attack)
Hand Sling Finesse Very Far d6+4 (Phy) One-Handed Versatile (Finesse Close - d8+4)
Tier 4 Secondary Weapons
Name Trait Range Damage Burden Feature
Legendary Shortsword Agility Melee d8+6 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+5 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Legendary Round Shield Strength Melee d4+6 (Phy) One-Handed Protective (Add +4 to your armor score.)
Legendary Tower Shield Strength Melee d6+6 (Phy) One-Handed Barrier (Add +6 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion)
Legendary Small Dagger Finesse Melee d8+6 (Phy) One-Handed Paired (+5 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee)
Legendary Whip Presence Very Close d6+6 (Phy) One-Handed Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range)
Legendary Grappler Finesse Close d6+6 (Phy) One-Handed Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you)
Legendary Hand Crossbow Finesse Far d6+7 (Phy) One-Handed -
Braveshield Agility Melee d4+6 (Phy) One-Handed Sheltering (Using an armor slot reduces damage for you and all allies in Melee with you.)
Knuckle Claws Strength Melee d6+6 (Mag) One-Handed Doubled Up (When you make an attack with your Primary Weapon, you may alos deal damage with this weapon to another creature in melee)
Primer Shard Instinct Very Close none One-Handed Locked On (On a successful attack with this weapon against a target, the next hit with your Primary Weapon automatically hits that target.)
Tier 1 Armor
Armor Base Score Feature
Gambeson Armor 3 Flexible (+1 to Evasion)
Leather Armor 4 -
Chainmail Armor 5 Heavy (-1 to Evasion)
Full Plate Armor 6 Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility)
Tier 2 Armor
Armor Base Score Feature
Improved Gambeson Armor 4 Flexible (+1 to Evasion)
Improved Leather Armor 5 -
Improved Chainmail Armor 6 Heavy (-1 to Evasion)
Improved Full Plate Armor 7 Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility)
Elundrian Chain Armor 2 Reinforced (Increase your armor score by the number of unmarked armor slots you have)
Harrowbone Armor 5 Resistant (Mark 2 armor slots to make yourself resistant to the incoming damage instead of reducing it by your armor score.)
Irontree Breastplate Armor 5 Sturdy (Before you mark your last armor slot, roll a d6. On a 6, you use the armor without marking the slot.)
Runetan Shield 5 Warded (Each armor slot is worth an extra 2d4 againt magic damage.)
Tyria Soft Armor 5 Quiet (+2 to any rolls you make to move without being heard.)
Rosewild Armor 6 Hopeful (Anytime you need to spend Hope, you may mark an Armor Slot instead.)
Tier 3 Armor
Armor Base Score Feature
Advanced Gambeson Armor 5 Flexible (+1 to Evasion)
Advanced Leather Armor 6 -
Advanced Chainmail Armor 7 Heavy (-1 to Evasion)
Advanced Full Plate Armor 8 Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility)
Bellamoi Fine Armor 6 Gilded (When you mark an armor slot, you may spend any amount of Hope to also reduce the incoming damage by an amount equal to your proficiency per Hope spent.)
Dragonscale Armor 6 Impenetrable (When you mark an armor slot, you cannot fill your last hit point as the result of physical damage.)
Spiked Armor Plating 6 Sharp (Add 1d4 to any damage rolls you make on a successful Melee attack.)
Bladefare Armor 8 Physical (You cannot use this armor against Magic damage.)
Monett's Cloak 8 Magic (You cannot use this armor against Physical damage.)
Runes of Fortification 10 Painful (Mark stres every time you use one or more armor slots on an attack.)
Tier 4 Armor
Armor Base Score Feature
Legendary Gambeson Armor 7 Flexible (+1 to Evasion)
Legendary Leather Armor 8 -
Legendary Chainmail Armor 9 Heavy (-1 to Evasion)
Legendary Full Plate Armor 10 Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility)
Dunamis Silkchain 5 Timeslowing (On any incoming attacks, roll 1d4 and add its value to your Evasion score.)
Channeling Armor 7 Channeling (While this armor is equipped, take +1 to all Spellcast rolls.)
Emberwoven Armor 8 Burning (When an enemy strikes you in Melee, they immediately mark a stress.)
Full Reinforced Armor 8 Variable (Add +1 to your armor score for every range beyond Melee the damage is coming from.)
Veritas Opal Armor 8 Truthseeking (This armor glows when anyone within Close range tells a lie.)
Savior Chainmail 15 Difficult (-1 to all Character Traits)