At Level 2, take an additional Experience and increase your Proficiency by +1.
Choose two available options from the list below and mark them.
Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.
Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.
Permanently add one Stress Slot.
Increase two Experiences by +1.
Permanently add one Armor Slot.
Add +1 to your Evasion.
Choose an additional domain card at your level or lower (up to Level 4).
Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.
Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +1.
Then, increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2 and choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.
At Level 5, take an additional Experience and clear all marks on Character Traits. Then increase your Proficiency by +1.
Choose two from the list below or any unmarked from the previous tier and mark them.
Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.
Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.
Permanently add one Stress Slot.
Increase two Experiences by +1.
Choose an additional domain card at your level or lower (up to Level 7).
Permanently add two Armor Slots or add +1 to your Evasion
Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.
Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2.
Take an upgraded subclass card. Then cross out the multiclass option for this tier.
Increase your Proficiency by +1.
Multiclass: Choose an additional class for your character, then cross out an unused "Take an upgraded subclass card" and the other multiclass option on this sheet.
Increase your Damage Thresholds: Major by +1 and Severe by +3. Then choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.
At Level 8, take an additional Experience and clear all marks on Character Traits. Then increase your Proficiency by +1.
Choose two from the list below or any unmarked from the previous tiers and mark them.
Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.
Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.
Permanently add one Stress Slot.
Increase two Experiences by +1.
Choose an additional domain card at your level or lower.
Permanently add two Armor Slots or add +1 to your Evasion.
Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.
Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2.
Take an upgraded subclass card. Then cross out the multiclass option for this tier.
Increase your Proficiency by +1.
Multiclass: Choose an additional class for your character, then cross out an unused "Take an upgraded subclass card" and the other multiclass option on this sheet.
Incrase your Damage Thresholds: Major by +2, and Severe by +4. Then choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.
This section denotes your class. Each class is made up of two domains. You'll choose the majority of your abilities and spells from these domains.
Click the name of the class to open a dropdown of class options (using the meatball menu in the top right corner, you can autofill the character sheet with the recommended values).
This section gives you a place to record your name, pronouns, heritage (the combination of your community and ancestry), and subclass. There is also a space to record your level.
You can choose a mixed ancestry by pressing the 'plus' button to the right of the ancestry dropdown. Similarly, when you level up and can choose a new subclass/multiclass, you can add it by pressing the 'plus' to the right of the previous subclass selection.
(Pressing the 'minus' button will erase the second/third selection for ancestry and subclass).
Evasion represents your ability to not be hit by an attack. The GM will roll against this number when seeing if an adversary hits you. If you do get hit, you'll be able to mark armor slots (the boxes to the right of "armor") to reduce the incoming damage by your armor score (the number in "armor").
Click an armor slot to toggle it on/off, and double click it to enable/disable it.
This area contains your six character traits. These are what you will use as your primary modifiers on action rolls. They have descriptions beneath each to remind you how to use them.
You can click the circle next to the ability name to toggle it on/off (This will be used when leveling up).
If you have a subclass that has a spellcasting trait, the border of that ability will be heavier to denote it.
The two smaller boxes are your damage thresholds. Whenever you take damage, compare it to the numbers here. If the incoming damage is minor, you mark one hit point. If it is major, you mark two hit points.. If you should ever need to mark stress and can't, you mark a hit point.
If you ever mark your last hit point, you must make a death move.
Similarly to the armor slots, hp and stress slots can be toggled on/off with a click, and enabled/disabled with a double-click.
This is where you record your Hope. You may spend Hope to use an Experience (details in next tutorial step), help an ally, or utilize a Hope Feature. When you help an ally, you explain how you're aiding them and roll a d6 advantage die they add to their action roll total. You start with 2 Hope marked.
You also have a unique Hope Feature from your class in this section.
Similarly to armor, hp, and stress slots, hope slots can be toggled on/off with a click and enabled/disabled with a double-click (disabling Hope is equivalent to taking a scar.
Experience represents the particular specializations your character has. These are narrative tags that you create to reflect what your character is skilled in. When they apply to the scene, you can spend Hope before the action roll to add their value as a modifier. You will earn more of these throughout a campaign.
You start the game with two Experiences which each have a +2 modifier.
This is where you keep track of your gold during a campaign. If you should mark your tenth handful, you instead mark a bag and erase all your handfuls. If you should mark your tenth bag, you instead mark a chest and erase your bags. You start with one handful of gold.
This is where the features from your class, subclass, and heritage are shown. Every class starts with a unique Class Feature that sets them apart from other classes. Make sure to read through them before you begin playing.
This is the section for your active weapons. Along with a name, weapons have an associated trait that you will roll when using them for an attack. They also have a range (melee, very close, close, far, or very far). The GM will tell you what range a target is in. Damage dice are what kind of dice you're rolling when you make a successful attack, and the type is either physical or magic. Proficiency tells you how many damage dice you roll. The Feature on a weapon gives you any special ability or requirement it has.
The Proficiency circles can be toggled on/off with a click.
When you begin typing in the "name" section, suggestions will automatically pop up. If you select one of these premade options, the corresponding traits will fill in the rest of the blanks for you.
This is the section for your armor. Along with a name, armor has a base score that will contribute towards your armor score. The Feature on armor gives you any special ability or requirement it has.
The same as above with weapons, when typing in the name of armor, you will be given suggestions. Picking a suggestion will automatically fill in the rest of that armor's traits.
Inventory is where you will store all of your items and consumables.
This is also where you would store any weapon you want to carry, but not have active. While in your inventory, Features from these weapons have no effect.
This is where you can enter your chosen Domain Cards from your subclass. To add a new card, press the "Add New" button. By default, the card will be added to your Vault. If you type the name of the domain card in the first line and press tab or click elsewhere, the description of the domain card will automatically fill in the second section.
To move cards between your Loadout and Vault, press the arrow button to the right of the name. To permancently remove a card, press the "Minus" button to the right of the name.
You can have at most 5 cards in your Loadout. You can swap any number of cards between your Loadout and Vault during a Short or Long Rest.
This is where you make your selections when you Level Up. The boxes can be toggled on/off with a click. At Levels 5-7 and 8-10 you have the option to take un upgraded subclass or multiclass. When you do so, you remove the other option. By double-clicking on one of those paragraphs, you can cross it off.
Clanks are sentient mechanical beings built from a variety of materials including metal and wood.
Those of ribbet ancestry resemble anthropoorphic frogs with protruding eyes and webbed hands and feet.
Those of inferis ancestry are humanoids who possess sharp canines, pointed ears, and horns that come in a variety of styles. They are the descendants of demons from the Circles Below.
Dwarves are most easily recognized as short humanoids with square features, dense musculature, and thick hair.
Giants are very tall humanoids with long arms, broad stature, and one to three eyes.
Elves are typically tall humanoids with pointed ears and acutely attuned senses.
Those of human ancestry are most easily recognized by their dexterous hands, rounded ears, and bodies built for endurance.
Orcs are most easily recognized as humanoids with square features and boar-like tusks.
Halflings are typically smaller humanoids, with large hairy feet and prominent, rounded ears.
Drakona resemble wingless dragons in humanoid form and possess a powerful elemental breath.
Those of katari ancestry are feline humanoids with soft fur and high, triangular ears.
Those of faerie ancestry are winged humanoid creatures with insect-like features.
Fauns resemble goats in humanoid form, with curving horns, square pupils, and cloven hooves.
Those of galapa ancestry resemble anthropomorphic turtles, with a large, domed shell into which their heads and limbs can retract.
Those of goblin ancestry are small humanoids typically recognized by their large eyes and massive, membranous ears.
Fungrils resemble a mushroom in humanoid form.
Firbolgs resemble cows in humanoid form, typically recognized by their broad nose and long ears.
Being part of a Highborne community means you were born into a life of elegance, opulance, and presitge within the upper echelons of society.
Being part of a Ridgeborne community means you've called the rocky peaks and sharp cliffs of the mountainshide home.
Being part of a Seaborne community means you lived on or near a large body of water.
Being part of an Underborne community means that you're from a subterranean society.
Being part of a Wildborne community means you lived deep within the forest.
Being part of a Loreborne community means you are from a society that favors strong academic or political prowess.
Being part of an Orderborne community means you are from a collective that focuses on discipline or faith, and you uphold a set of principles that reflect your experience there.
Being part of a Wanderborne community means that you've lived as a nomad, not having a permanent home but experiencing a wide variety of cultures.
Being part of a Slyborne community means you come from a group that operates outside the law, including all manner of criminals, grifters, and con artists.
Becoming a druid is more than an occupation, it’s a calling to those who wish to learn from and protect the magic of the wilderness. Those druids who practice the often quiet work of channeling flora are likely to be underestimated; while those who channel the brutal forces of animals may be a terrifying thing to behold. Druids are known to cultivate their abilities in small groups, often connected by a specific ethos or locale. Through years of study and dedication, druids can learn to transform into beasts and shape the earth and all its organisms
Guardians represent an array of martial professions, and such a title speaks more to their moral compass and incredible fortitude than the means by which they fight. Those of this class may choose to join groups of militants, for either a country or cause, but guardians are more likely to follow those few they truly care for, majority be damned. Guardians are known for fighting with remarkable ferocity even against overwhelming odds, and are apt to utilize defensive tactics that protect their cohort rather than charge forward with abandon. Woe be unto those who harm the ally of a guardian, as they will not soon forget such a grievance.
Rangers are highly skilled hunters who, despite their martial abilities, will rarely lend their skills to an army. Through mastery of the body and a deep understanding of the wilderness, rangers transform themselves into sly tacticians, accustomed to fighting without the aid of an organized military force. Many rangers do, however, fight alongside an animal companion with whom they’ve forged a powerful, spiritual bond. By honing their skills in the wild, rangers become expert hunters and trackers, and are as likely to catch their foes in a trap as assail them head-on.
Rogues are scoundrels, often in both attitude and practice. Broadly known as liars and thieves, the best among this class move through the world entirely unknown. Utilizing their sharp wit and blade, rogues may trick their foes through social manipulation as easily as breaking locks or climbing through windows. Members of this class are masters of magical craft, adding an array of deadly tools to their arsenal. Rogues frequently establish guilds to meet future accomplices, hire out jobs, and hone heavily- guarded skills, proving that the phrase “there’s no honor among thieves” is just another lie added to their arsenal.
Divine fighters and healers appointed by their god, seraphs are imbued with sacred purpose. A wide array of deities exist within the realms, and thus there are numerous different types of seraph. The ethos of each member of this class traditionally aligns with the domain of their god including such missions as: defending the weak, enacting vengeance, protecting a land or artifact, and upholding a faith. Some seraph ally themselves with an army or locale, much to the satisfaction of their rulers, but some of these crusaders fight in opposition to the follies of the Mortal Realm. It is better to be an ally to a seraph, as they are terrifying foes to those who defy their purpose.
Not all innate magic users choose to hone their craft, but those who do can become powerful sorcerers. The gifts of these wielders is passed down through families, though not all families are aware of, much less choose to practice, their unique skills. A sorcerer’s abilities can range from the elemental, to the illusionary, and beyond, and many members of this class will band together into collectives based on their talents. The act of becoming a formidable sorcerer is not the practice of acquiring power, but learning to control and hone the power one already possesses. The magic within a misguided or uneducated sorcerer is a dangerous force indeed.
Becoming a warrior requires years, often a lifetime, of training and dedication to the mastery of violence and weapons. While many who seek to fight only hone their strength, warriors understand the importance of an agile body and mind, making them some of the most sought after fighters across the realms. Many warriors will find employment within an army, band of mercenaries, or even within a royal guard, but their potential is wasted in any position where they cannot continue to hone and expand their skills. Warriors are known to have a favored weapon, and to come between one of this class and their blade would be a grievous mistake
Those who acquire their magical power through years of study are known as wizards. Whether through an institution or individual study, wizards use a variety of tools—including books, scrolls, or ancient tablets—to hone their craft. Often, wizards will dedicate their life to the mastery of a particular school of magic, while others will attempt to learn from a wide variety of disciplines. Many wizards go on to become wise and powerful figures in their communities, advising rulers, providing medicines and healing, and even leading war councils. While all members of this class work toward the common goal of collecting magical knowledge, it is very often that wizards have the most conflict within their own ranks; as the acquisition, keeping, and sharing of powerful secrets is a topic of intense debate that has resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths.
Spellcast: Instinct
Spellcast: Instinct
Spellcast: Agility
Spellcast: Agility
Spellcast: Finesse
Spellcast: Finesse
Spellcast: Strength
Spellcast: Strength
Spellcast: Instinct
Spellcast: Instinct
Spellcast: Knowledge
Spellcast: Knowledge
+1 Agility | Bite Melee Agility d4 (phy) | Evasion +2
+1 Instinct | Melee Instinct d6 (phy) | Evasion +2
+1 Agility | Melee Agility d6 | Evasion +3
+2 Strength | Melee Strength d8+2 (phy) | Evasion +1
+1 Agility | Melee Agility d4 (phy) | Evasion +2
+1 Finesse | Melee Finesse d6+1 (phy) | Evasion +2
+1 Strength | Melee Strength d8+2 (phy) | Evasion +1
+1 Strength | Melee Strength d10+4 (phy) | Evasion +3
+1 Agility | Melee Agility d8+1 (phy) | Evasion +2
+1 Finesse | Finesse Very Close d8+4 (phy) | Evasion +2
+1 Instinct | Melee Instinct d8+6 (phy) | Evasion +3
+1 Finesse | Melee Finesse d4+2 (phy) | Evasion +3
+2 Strength | Melee Strength d12+8 (phy) | Evasion +2
+2 Instinct | Melee Instinct d10+7 (phy) | Evasion +1
+2 Finesse | Melee Finesse d8+6 (phy) | Evasion +3
+2 Agility | Melee Agility d10+6 (phy) | Evasion +4
+2 Strength | Melee Strength d10+8 (phy) | Evasion +3
+3 Strength | Melee Strength d12+12 (phy) | Evasion +1
+3 Strength | Melee Strength d12+10 (phy) | Evasion +2
+3 Finesse | Finesse Melee d10+11 (phy) | Evasion +4
+3 Agility | Agility Melee d10+10 (phy) | Evasion +3
+3 Strength | Strength Melee d12 (phy) | Evasion +2
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Broadsword | Agility | Melee | d8 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon) |
Longsword | Agility | Melee | d8+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Mace | Strength | Melee | d8+1 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Battleaxe | Strength | Melee | d10+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Greatsword | Strength | Melee | d10+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest) |
Warhammer | Strength | Melee | d12+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Heavy (-1 to Agility) |
Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+1 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Quarterstaff | Instinct | Melee | d10+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Cutlass | Presence | Melee | d8+1 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Rapier | Presence | Melee | d8 (Phy) | One-Handed | Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range) |
Halberd | Strength | Very Close | d8+2 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Spear | Finesse | Very Close | d8+2 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Shortbow | Agility | Far | d6+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+1 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Longbow | Agility | Very Far | d6+3 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Hallowed Axe | Strength | Melee | d10+1 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Arcane Gauntlets | Strength | Melee | d10+3 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Glowing Rings | Agility | Very Close | d10+2 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Hand Runes | Instinct | Very Close | d10 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Returning Blade | Finesse | Close | d8+1 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Shortstaff | Instinct | Close | d8+1 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Dualstaff | Instinct | Far | d6+3 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Scepter | Presence | Far | d6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Versatile (Presence Melee - d10) |
Wand | Knowledge | Far | d6+1 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Greatstaff | Knowledge | Very Far | d6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Improved Broadsword | Agility | Melee | d8+3 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon) |
Improved Longsword | Agility | Melee | d8+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Mace | Strength | Melee | d10+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Battleaxe | Strength | Melee | d10+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Greatsword | Strength | Melee | d10+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest) |
Improved Warhammer | Strength | Melee | d12+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Heavy (-1 to Agility) |
Improved Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Quarterstaff | Instinct | Melee | d10+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Cutlass | Presence | Melee | d8+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Rapier | Presence | Melee | d8+3 (Phy) | One-Handed | Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range) |
Improved Halberd | Strength | Very Close | d8+5 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Spear | Finesse | Very Close | d8+5 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Shortbow | Agility | Far | d6+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Longbow | Agility | Very Far | d6+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion) |
Gilded Falchion | Strength | Melee | d10+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Knuckle Blades | Strength | Melee | d10+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Brutal (For every 10 rolled on a damage die, roll an extra d10 of damage.) |
Urok Broadsword | Finesse | Melee | d8+3 (Phy) | One-Handed | Deadly (When you do Severe damage, deal one extra HP.) |
Bladed Whip | Agility | Very Close | d8+3 (Phy) | One-Handed | Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range.) |
Steelforged Halberd | Strength | Very Close | d8+4 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Scary (Successful attacks also deal an extra Stress.) |
War Scythe | Finesse | Very Close | d8+5 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Reliable (+1 on attack rolls with this weapon.) |
Greatbow | Strength | Far | d6+6 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Blunderbuss | Finesse | Far | d6+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.) |
Finehair Bow | Agility | Very Far | d6+5 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Reliable (+1 on attack rolls with this weapon.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Improved Hallowed Axe | Strength | Melee | d10+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Arcane Gauntlets | Strength | Melee | d10+6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Glowing Rings | Agility | Very Close | d10+5 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Hand Runes | Instinct | Very Close | d10+3 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Returning Blade | Finesse | Close | d8+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Shortstaff | Instinct | Close | d8+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Dualstaff | Instinct | Far | d6+6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Improved Scepter | Presence | Far | d6+3 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Versatile (Presence Melee - d10+3) |
Improved Wand | Knowledge | Far | d6+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Improved Greatstaff | Knowledge | Very Far | d6+3 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowerst.) |
Ego Blade | Agility | Melee | d12+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | Pompous (Must have a Presence score of 0 or less to use this weapon.) |
Casting Sword | Strength | Melee | d10+4 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Versatile (Knowledge Far - d6+3) |
Devouring Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | Scary (Successful attacks also deal a stress.) |
Hammer of Exota | Instinct | Melee | d8+6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Eruptive (When you hit a creature in Melee, each Very Close enemy must make a Reaction Roll (14) or take half damage as well.) |
Yutari Bloodbow | Finesse | Far | d6+4 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Brutal (For every 6 rolled on a damage die, roll an additional d6 of damage.) |
Elder Bow | Instinct | Far | d6+4 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Scepter of Elias | Presence | Far | d6+3 (Mag) | One-Handed | Invigorating (When you make a successful attack, roll a d4. On a 4, clear a stress.) |
Wand of Enthrallment | Presence | Far | d6+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | Persuasive (Mark stress before rolling Presence to add +2 to the result.) |
Bonded Staff | Knowledge | Far | d6+4 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Reliable. (+1 on any attack rolls with this weaopn.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Advanced Broadsword | Agility | Melee | d8+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon) |
Advanced Longsword | Agility | Melee | d8+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Mace | Strength | Melee | d8+7 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Battleaxe | Strength | Melee | d10+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Greatsword | Strength | Melee | d10+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest) |
Advanced Warhammer | Strength | Melee | d12+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Heavy (-1 to Agility) |
Advanced Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+7 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Quarterstaff | Instinct | Melee | d10+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Cutlass | Presence | Melee | d8+7 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Rapier | Presence | Melee | d8+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range) |
Advanced Halberd | Strength | Very Close | d8+8 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Spear | Finesse | Very Close | d8+8 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Shortbow | Agility | Far | d6+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+7 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Longbow | Agility | Very Far | d6+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion) |
Flickerfly Blade | Agility | Melee | d8+5 (Phy) | One-Handed | Sharpwing (Add your Agility score to this weapon's damage roll.) |
Bravesword | Strength | Melee | d12+7 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Dense (-1 to Agility & +3 to Severe Damage Threshold) |
Hell's Hammer | Strength | Melee | d10+7 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Devastating (Mark stress before your attack roll to use d20s as your damage dice instead.) |
Labrys Axe | Strength | Melee | d10+7 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Protective (Add +1 to your Armor score.) |
Meridian Cutlass | Presence | Melee | d10+5 (Phy) | One-Handed | Dueling (Take advantage on attack rolls when there are no other adversaries or allies in Close range besides the current target.) |
Retractable Saber | Presence | Melee | d10+7 (Phy) | One-Handed | Retractable (Blade can be hidden in hilt to avoid recognition as a weapon.) |
Double Flail | Agility | Very Close | d10+8 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Talon Blades | Finesse | Close | d10+7 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Brutal (For every 10 rolled on a damage die, roll an additional d10 of damage.) |
Spiked Bow | Agility | Very Far | d6+7 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Versatile (Agility Melee - d12+5) |
Black Powder Revolver | Finesse | Very Far | d6+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Advanced Hallowed Axe | Strength | Melee | d10+7 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Arcane Gauntlets | Strength | Melee | d10+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Glowing Rings | Agility | Very Close | d10+8 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Hand Runes | Instinct | Very Close | d10+6 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Returning Blade | Finesse | Close | d8+7 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Shortstaff | Instinct | Close | d8+7 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Dualstaff | Instinct | Far | d6+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Advanced Scepter | Presence | Far | d6+6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Versatile (Presence Melee - d10+4) |
Advanced Wand | Knowledge | Far | d6+7 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Advanced Greatstaff | Knowledge | Very Far | d6+6 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowerst.) |
Axe of Fortunis | Strength | Melee | d10+8 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Lucky (Spend a Stress on a failure to reroll your attack and take the new result.) |
Blessed Anlace | Instinct | Melee | d10+6 (Mag) | One-Handed | Healing (During downtime, automatically heal 1 hit point.) |
Ghostblade | Presence | Melee | d10+7 (Mag) | One-Handed | Otherworldly (You can choose whether to do Physical or Magic damage.) |
Runes of Ruination | Knowledge | Very Close | d20+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | Painful (Mark Stress every time you attack with this weapon.) |
Widogast Pendant | Knowledge | Close | d10+5 (Mag) | One-Handed | Timebender (You may choose the target of your attack after making your attack roll.) |
Gilded Bow | Finesse | Far | d6+7 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Self-Correcting (Any 1's rolled on the damage dice may be treated as 8's instead.) |
Firestaff | Instinct | Far | d6+7 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Burn (For every damage dice that rolls an 6, deal a Stress.) |
Mage Orb | Knowledge | Far | d6+7 (Mag) | One-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Ilmari's Blunderbuss | Finesse | Very Far | d6+6 (Mag) | One-Handed | Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an aciton to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Legendary Broadsword | Agility | Melee | d8+9 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reliable (+1 to attack rolls with this weapon) |
Legendary Longsword | Agility | Melee | d8+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Mace | Strength | Melee | d8+10 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Battleaxe | Strength | Melee | d10+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Greatsword | Strength | Melee | d10+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Massive (-1 Agility, roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest) |
Legendary Warhammer | Strength | Melee | d12+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Heavy (-1 to Agility) |
Legendary Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+10 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Quarterstaff | Instinct | Melee | d10+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Cutlass | Presence | Melee | d8+10 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Rapier | Presence | Melee | d8+9 (Phy) | One-Handed | Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range) |
Legendary Halberd | Strength | Very Close | d8+11 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Spear | Finesse | Very Close | d8+11 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Shortbow | Agility | Far | d6+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+10 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Longbow | Agility | Very Far | d6+12 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Cumbersome (-1 to Evasion) |
Double-Sided Sword | Agility | Melee | d10+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Quick (When making an attack roll, mark a Stress to include an additional target in range.) |
Impact Gauntlet | Strength | Melee | d10+11 (Phy) | One-Handed | Concussive (Spend Hope on a successful attack to launch the target into Far range.) |
Sledge Axe | Strength | Melee | d12+13 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Destructive (-1 to Agility, all Very Close enemies mark a Stress on a successful attack) |
Curved Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+9 (Phy) | One-Handed | Serrated (Any 1's rolled on the damage dice count as 10 points of damage.) |
Extended Polearm | Finesse | Very Close | d8+10 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Long (Can target all enemies in a line within range with your attack) |
Swinging Ropeblade | Presence | Close | d8+9 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Grappling (Spend Hope on a successful attack to temporarily make the target Restrained, or pull them into melee with you.) |
Ricochet Axes | Agility | Far | d6+11 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Bouncing (Spend any amount of Stress to hit that many targets in range with the attack.) |
Aantari Bow | Finesse | Far | d6+11 (Phy) | Two-Handed | Reliable (+1 on any attack rolls with this weapon.) |
Hand Cannon | Finesse | Very Far | d6+12 (Phy) | One-Handed | Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Legendary Hallowed Axe | Strength | Melee | d10+10 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Arcane Gauntlets | Strength | Melee | d10+12 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Glowing Rings | Agility | Very Close | d10+11 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Hand Runes | Instinct | Very Close | d10+9 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Returning Blade | Finesse | Close | d8+10 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Shortstaff | Instinct | Close | d8+10 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Dualstaff | Instinct | Far | d8+12 (Mag) | Two-Handed | - |
Legendary Scepter | Presence | Far | d6+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Versatile (Presence Melee - d10+6) |
Legendary Wand | Knowledge | Far | d6+10 (Mag) | One-Handed | - |
Legendary Greatstaff | Knowledge | Very Far | d6+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowerst.) |
Sword of Light & Flame | Strength | Melee | d10+11 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Penetrating (Cuts through solid material.) |
Siphoning Gauntlets | Presence | Melee | d10+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Lifestealing (On a successful attack, roll a d6. On a 6, heal a hit point or clear a Stress.) |
Midas Scythe | Knowledge | Melee | d10+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Greedy (You may spend one handful of gold to increase your proficiency by +1 on a damage roll.) |
Floating Bladeshards | Instinct | Close | d8+9 (Mag) | One-Handed | Powerful (Roll one extra damage die and drop the lowest.) |
Bloodstaff | Instinct | Far | d20+7 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Painful (Mark a Stress every time you attack with this weapon.) |
Thistlebow | Instnct | Far | d6+13 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Reliable (+1 on any attack rolls with this weapon.) |
Wand of Essek | Knowledge | Far | d8+13 (Mag) | One-Handed | Timebender (-1 to Agility. You may choose the target of your attack after making your attack roll.) |
Magus Revolver | Finesse | Very Far | d6+13 (Mag) | One-Handed | Reloading (Roll 1d6 after the attack. On a 1, you must use an action to reload your weapon before you can fire it again.) |
Fusion Gloves | Knowledge | Very Far | d6+9 (Mag) | Two-Handed | Bonded (Add your Level to the damage result.) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Shortsword | Agility | Melee | d8 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+2 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Round Shield | Strength | Melee | d4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Protective (Add +1 to your armor score.) |
Tower Shield | Strength | Melee | d6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Barrier (Add +3 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion) |
Small Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+2 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Whip | Presence | Very Close | d6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range) |
Grappler | Finesse | Close | d6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you) |
Hand Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+1 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Improved Shortsword | Agility | Melee | d8+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+3 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Improved Round Shield | Strength | Melee | d4+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Protective (Add +2 to your armor score.) |
Improved Tower Shield | Strength | Melee | d6+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Barrier (Add +4 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion) |
Improved Small Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+3 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Improved Whip | Presence | Very Close | d6+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range) |
Improved Grappler | Finesse | Close | d6+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you) |
Improved Hand Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+3 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Spiked Shield | Strength | Melee | d6+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Double Duty (+2 to Armor score, +1 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Parrying Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d6+2 (Phy) | One-Handed | Parry (On an attack against you, roll this weapon's damage dice. If any match the attacker's they are removed before damage is totalled.) |
Returning Axe | Agility | Close | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Advanced Shortsword | Agility | Melee | d8+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+4 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Advanced Round Shield | Strength | Melee | d4+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Protective (Add +3 to your armor score.) |
Advanced Tower Shield | Strength | Melee | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Barrier (Add +5 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion) |
Advanced Small Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+4 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Advanced Whip | Presence | Very Close | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range) |
Advanced Grappler | Finesse | Close | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you) |
Advanced Hand Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Buckler | Agility | Melee | d4+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Deflecting (On an incoming attack, you may spend an armor slot to boost your Evasion score by your Armor score.) |
Powered Gauntlet | Knowledge | Close | d6+4 (Mag) | One-Handed | Charged Attack (Mark stress to increase proficiency by +1 on Primary Weapon attack) |
Hand Sling | Finesse | Very Far | d6+4 (Phy) | One-Handed | Versatile (Finesse Close - d8+4) |
Name | Trait | Range | Damage | Burden | Feature |
Legendary Shortsword | Agility | Melee | d8+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+5 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Legendary Round Shield | Strength | Melee | d4+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Protective (Add +4 to your armor score.) |
Legendary Tower Shield | Strength | Melee | d6+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Barrier (Add +6 to your armor score, -2 to Evasion) |
Legendary Small Dagger | Finesse | Melee | d8+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Paired (+5 to Primary Weapon damage in Melee) |
Legendary Whip | Presence | Very Close | d6+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Whipcrack (Mark a Stress to scatter enemies in Melee into Close range) |
Legendary Grappler | Finesse | Close | d6+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Hook (On a successful attack, you may also pull the target into Melee with you) |
Legendary Hand Crossbow | Finesse | Far | d6+7 (Phy) | One-Handed | - |
Braveshield | Agility | Melee | d4+6 (Phy) | One-Handed | Sheltering (Using an armor slot reduces damage for you and all allies in Melee with you.) |
Knuckle Claws | Strength | Melee | d6+6 (Mag) | One-Handed | Doubled Up (When you make an attack with your Primary Weapon, you may alos deal damage with this weapon to another creature in melee) |
Primer Shard | Instinct | Very Close | none | One-Handed | Locked On (On a successful attack with this weapon against a target, the next hit with your Primary Weapon automatically hits that target.) |
Armor | Base Score | Feature |
Gambeson Armor | 3 | Flexible (+1 to Evasion) |
Leather Armor | 4 | - |
Chainmail Armor | 5 | Heavy (-1 to Evasion) |
Full Plate Armor | 6 | Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility) |
Armor | Base Score | Feature |
Improved Gambeson Armor | 4 | Flexible (+1 to Evasion) |
Improved Leather Armor | 5 | - |
Improved Chainmail Armor | 6 | Heavy (-1 to Evasion) |
Improved Full Plate Armor | 7 | Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility) |
Elundrian Chain Armor | 2 | Reinforced (Increase your armor score by the number of unmarked armor slots you have) |
Harrowbone Armor | 5 | Resistant (Mark 2 armor slots to make yourself resistant to the incoming damage instead of reducing it by your armor score.) |
Irontree Breastplate Armor | 5 | Sturdy (Before you mark your last armor slot, roll a d6. On a 6, you use the armor without marking the slot.) |
Runetan Shield | 5 | Warded (Each armor slot is worth an extra 2d4 againt magic damage.) |
Tyria Soft Armor | 5 | Quiet (+2 to any rolls you make to move without being heard.) |
Rosewild Armor | 6 | Hopeful (Anytime you need to spend Hope, you may mark an Armor Slot instead.) |
Armor | Base Score | Feature |
Advanced Gambeson Armor | 5 | Flexible (+1 to Evasion) |
Advanced Leather Armor | 6 | - |
Advanced Chainmail Armor | 7 | Heavy (-1 to Evasion) |
Advanced Full Plate Armor | 8 | Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility) |
Bellamoi Fine Armor | 6 | Gilded (When you mark an armor slot, you may spend any amount of Hope to also reduce the incoming damage by an amount equal to your proficiency per Hope spent.) |
Dragonscale Armor | 6 | Impenetrable (When you mark an armor slot, you cannot fill your last hit point as the result of physical damage.) |
Spiked Armor Plating | 6 | Sharp (Add 1d4 to any damage rolls you make on a successful Melee attack.) |
Bladefare Armor | 8 | Physical (You cannot use this armor against Magic damage.) |
Monett's Cloak | 8 | Magic (You cannot use this armor against Physical damage.) |
Runes of Fortification | 10 | Painful (Mark stres every time you use one or more armor slots on an attack.) |
Armor | Base Score | Feature |
Legendary Gambeson Armor | 7 | Flexible (+1 to Evasion) |
Legendary Leather Armor | 8 | - |
Legendary Chainmail Armor | 9 | Heavy (-1 to Evasion) |
Legendary Full Plate Armor | 10 | Very Heavy (-2 to Evasion and -1 to Agility) |
Dunamis Silkchain | 5 | Timeslowing (On any incoming attacks, roll 1d4 and add its value to your Evasion score.) |
Channeling Armor | 7 | Channeling (While this armor is equipped, take +1 to all Spellcast rolls.) |
Emberwoven Armor | 8 | Burning (When an enemy strikes you in Melee, they immediately mark a stress.) |
Full Reinforced Armor | 8 | Variable (Add +1 to your armor score for every range beyond Melee the damage is coming from.) |
Veritas Opal Armor | 8 | Truthseeking (This armor glows when anyone within Close range tells a lie.) |
Savior Chainmail | 15 | Difficult (-1 to all Character Traits) |